small business training

RESCHEDULED VA FSS Service October Webinar: Commercial Sales Practices (CSP) Format

NOTICE: Due to the potential impact of Hurricane Sandy, the CSP webinar scheduled for Wednesday, October 31 at 10am, has been cancelled.  The event will be rescheduled for Wednesday, December 12 10am – 12pm CT.

Our second webinar in our Contractor Training series will focus on the fine points of the Commercial Sales Practices Format (CSP-1), including:

Video: Small Business Utilization (Pt 6 of 7)

In this video clip from the Small Business Utilization series, Mahruba Uddowla of the GSA Multiple Award Schedules Office continues with the frequently asked questions section. She provides information regarding the eBuy site, set-aside orders, and FAR 8.405-5(a)(2)(ii).  Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

Tune in next week as we wrap up the Small Business Utilization series with the final video!

Did you attend the GSA EXPO this year?

22% (2 votes)
78% (7 votes)
Total votes: 9

GSA OSBU EXPO Achievements

Did you know that the Office of Small Business was at the 2011 GSA EXPO in San Diego, CA?  We presented more than 6 classes and hosted a mini event we called the Small Business Symposium which had additional training and matchmaking.  We had a goal to provide a new and improved small business website, organization page and the much anticipated, finally updated, "Doing Business with GSA" publication.  Not to mention new marketing materials to boot!  We got it done and we are proud to share our website and publication updates with you.

Doing Business with GSA

Small Business Community,

Please join us to learn about opportunities with GSA. This training includes and overview of GSA programs, provide you sources of support and highlight the mentor protege program.   

This training is just one of a 5 part series of webinars designed with the goal of success for the small business.

Event details
Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 1:00 PM

Doing Business with GSA


Small Business Community,

Please join us to learn about opportunities with GSA. This training includes and overview of GSA programs, provide you sources of support and highlight the mentor protege program.   

This training is just one of a 5 part series of webinars designed with the goal of success for the small business.

Event details
Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 1:00 PM
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