technical analysis

Accelerating Mobile Money in Indonesia: Technical Analysis of Current Regulations

FS Share
Document Type: 
November 2, 2011

The Accelerating Mobile Money Action Plan was completed by the Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project as part of a broader scope of work commissioned by USAID Indonesia to explore how the Mission might support the development of innovative development solutions, such as mobile money, to increase access to financial services. This technical analysis of current regulations related to electronic money networks in Indonesia complements the Accelerating Mobile Money in Indonesia Action Plan, October 2011.

EAT Project - Outreach Brochure

The EAT Project
Document Type: 
January 4, 2011

 This document provides an overview of the activities of the EAT Project, which offers a flexible vehicle through which USAID (MIssions and HQ), State Department, MCC, USDA, and other USG agencies can access a wide range of services for agribusiness enabling environment analysis, program development, strategy, and capacity building. 

Kosovo AgCLIR Report

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Document Type: 
March 1, 2010

This report addresses the conditions and opportunities for doing business inKosovo’s agriculture sector. Through close examination of the relevant laws,institutions, and social dynamics, it aims to inform assistance decisions by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other donors in the area of agricultural development in Ghana, as well as to provide insight and guidance about the sector to government officials, private sector representatives, and others.

Uganda AgCLIR Report

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Document Type: 
September 1, 2010

This report addresses the conditions and opportunities for doing business in Uganda’s agriculture sector. Through close examination of the relevant laws, institutions, and social dynamics, it aims to inform assistance decisions by the

Senegal AgCLIR Report

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Document Type: 
May 1, 2009

This report addresses the conditions and opportunities for doing business in Senegal’s agriculture sector. Through close examination of the relevant laws, institutions, and social dynamics, it aims to inform assistance decisions by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other donors in the area of agricultural development in Ghana, as well as to provide insight and guidance about the sector to government officials, private sector representatives, and others.

Nigeria AgCLIR Report

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Document Type: 
May 1, 2009

This report addresses the conditions and opportunities for doing business in Nigeria’s agriculture sector. Through close examination of the relevant laws, institutions, and social dynamics, it aims to inform assistance decisions by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other donors in the area of agricultural development in Ghana, as well as to provide insight and guidance about the sector to government officials, private sector representatives, and others.

Ghana AgCLIR Report

Attached Document: 
Document Type: 
November 1, 2008

This report addresses the conditions and opportunities for doing business in Ghana’s agriculture sector. Through close examination of the relevant laws, institutions, and social dynamics, it aims to inform assistance decisions by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other donors in the area of agricultural development in Ghana, as well as to provide insight and guidance about the sector to government officials, private sector representatives, and others.

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