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President Obama in Indonesia
President Obama's November 2011 Visit to Indonesia

President Obama's November 2011 Visit to Indonesia

President Obama visits Bali, Indonesia from November 17 to 19 2011

President Obama recently visited Australia and Indonesia in support of greater U.S. involvement in the Asia-Pacific region.  The trip followed the APEC 2011 Summit, which the United States hosted in Hawaii.  While in Indonesia, President Obama became the first U.S. president to attend the East Asia Summit, he met with ASEAN heads of state at a US-ASEAN Leaders meeting, and held several bilateral meetings with Asian partners, including Indonesian President Yudhoyono. 

According to National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, the recent trip to Asia was an “implementation of a substantial and important reorientation in American global strategy.  That is the rebalancing of our efforts towards the challenges and opportunities in Asia on the part of the United States.”  During the President’s speech in Canberra before the Australian parliament, he said the United States was “all in” in Asia. 

The following fact sheets summarize accomplishments made during the trip and the status of U.S. relationships with regional partners, including Indonesia.

Statements and Fact Sheets