Child Nutrition Services
photo collage of Food Services and children

Contact Child Nutrition services: (910) 451-2447 or email

February 2013 Menu

March 2013 Menu

Hello parents and staff of CLDS! My name is Clyde Thomas and I am the new Director of Child Nutrition for Camp Lejeune Dependents Schools. I have the priviledge of providing for the nutritional needs of your wonderful children. I am fortunate enough to have an experienced and exceptional staff that will assist me in my mission to provide the best nutrition program possible. I will make it my business to provide outstanding service to children, parents and staff. If I can be of assistance or if there are any concerns, please feel free to contact me at the number or email link listed above.

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NC District Schools Wellness Policy

(Menus are .pdf files that can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. A free download version is available on the Adobe Acrobat website. (CLDS and DoDEA do not support or endorse Adobe Systems Inc. or its products.)

   The Camp Lejeune Dependents Schools Child Nutrition Services serves high quality, nutritious meals each school day. Students may buy lunch for $2.35 (Preschool - 5) and $2.45 (6 - 12) (reduced is $.40), and breakfast for $1.25 (reduces is $.30).

Camp Lejeune Dependents Schools operate on a nonprofit basis with the goal of providing quality nutrition and services to students and staff throughout the year. Our charge policy is designed to assist the child who occasionally forgets to bring lunch money, or loses it. The maximum amount of allowable charges is $10.00. Parentsare highly encouraged to pre-pay for their child’s school meals to avoid charges. Parents can view their child’s A LA CARTE MENU account and pay online at

NEW! Second Student Meals Available

Second student lunches are now available for $2.75; second student breakfasts are available for $1.50.  A second school lunch includes an entrée, two different fruits, or two different vegetables, or a fruit and a vegetable, a serving of bread, and a choice of low-fat milk.  Second student breakfasts include two servings of grains/bread, or a serving of grain/bread and a serving of meat/meat alternate, a serving of juice or fruit, and a choice of low-fat milk.  Under Child Nutrition guidelines, students may receive only one USDA reimbursable breakfast and/or one lunch each school day.  Second student meals are not subsidized; therefore, the charge to the student must cover all costs associated with the preparation and service of the meals.  Students who would like to purchase extras of only selected menu items may continue to do so at the a la carte rate.

Children from families whose income falls within U.S. Department of Agriculture income eligibility guidelines may be eligible for either free meals or reduced-price meals at .40 for lunch and .30 for breakfast.

Applications for free or reduced-price meals are available at each school office or downloaded here and here. Families need to complete only one application per household. Completed applications may be returned to any school for processing by the CLDS Food Services Office. If you need help with the application, contact Child Nutrition Services at 910-450-1732/1733. (Food Services' fax number is 910-450-1734.)

Yummmm!  Images of CLDS food!

CLDS operates under USDA guidelines and are nationally registered "Team Nutrition" Schools. All schools feature a variety of nutritious foods on a daily basis. A central menu is published every other month and is available on a system-wide basis.

Individual school managers often feature additional choices to complement the central menu. LHS and BMS feature salad meals, and a sandwich/pizza line daily in addition to the central menu. All schools offer a variety of 'a la carte' items that are available on a daily basis.
Adults may purchase lunch items a la carte.

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Image of CLDS students having fun eating lunch!

CLDS has an automated cash collection system. Students are highly enouraged to prepay for breakfast, lunch, and/or snacks. Each student is issued his/her own personal school meals account. Pre-payment for meals and/or snacks for up to a month at a time can be accepted. When writing checks for school meals, parents are encouraged to write the child's name on the check. If the check is written to pay for meals for more than one child, parents should also designate on the check what amount to place in each child's account. A refund of prepaid funds will only be made when a child withdraws from CLDS and a written request by the child's parent is made. We hope that you will find this system a convenient and easy way to prepay for school meals!

If your child forgets his lunch money, Child Nutrition Services will allow your child to borrow for up to two days only. Repayment is expected the next day. If repayment has not been made after your child has borrowed for two days, no further funds can be lent. Borrowed funds must be repaid before any further school lunches can be provided. The system is designed to assist a child who occasionally forgets his/her lunch money. If funds have not been paid after your child has borrowed for two days, the parent will be contacted by phone. Paying for meals in advance can help prevent lost or forgotten lunch money! (We will even let you know when your child's account is getting low!)

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Farm to School Program Growing & Growing!

In addition to purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables from local coastal Carolina farms, Camp Lejeune Schools is procuring fresh garden produce harvested across the state through a partnership with the N.C. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Defense Merchandising Office. Through this program, students can look forward to North Carolina grown melons, tomatoes, apples, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and cabbage this fall. In cooperation with USDA, CLDS is also utilizing a portion of commodity entitlement dollars for the procurement of fresh fruits and vegetables. Through this initiative, students will enjoy a variety of additional fresh fruits and vegetables such as pluots, seedless grapes, potatoes, fresh pineapple, pears, starfruit, kiwi, romaine lettuce, citrus fruits, and berries.

CLDS Summer Food Services Program:  Images of children enjoying summer meals

The CLDS Summer Child Nutrition Services Program was established as an act of Congress with the belief that nutritious meals should not end when school vacation begins. The program is primarily directed toward children in needy areas, however, nutritious meals served may benefit all children in an approved geographical area regardless of a family's economic status.

All meals served to children 18 years of age and younger are FREE! Adults accompanying children may purchase lunch items a la carte.

The Summer Child Nutrition Services features an 'a la carte' program in addition to the centrally planned menu. All lunches served to children during this program are free, however, children may purchase extras of menu items or select from a variety of a la carte items ranging in cost from $.25 to $1.25. Some of the items that will be available for sale include fresh fruits, bottled water, juices, extra milk, tea, fruit drinks, sports drinks, and ice cream!

CLDS received a National Sunshine Award for its 2001 Summer Child Nutrition Services Program. This was the second consecutive year that our schools have received this national recognition. The USDA Award recognizes Camp Lejeune Dependents Schools' efforts to provide exemplary meal service and nutrition through its continuing 'farm to school' purchasing program and through its effective outreach efforts. The Summer Food Services Program has operated aboard Camp Lejeune since 1989 and provides meals to more than 1000 children each day during the six-week long program!

Camp Lejeune Dependents Schools was recognized at the end of January 2003 as a Merit Award Winner in the Restaurant Hospitality's 2003 Best Kids' Menu in America Competition! Of the hundreds of menus that they received, OURS stood out above the rest!

In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender (male or female), age, or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free 866.632.9992 (Voice).  Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at 800.877.8339; or 800.845.6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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