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Collage of Haitians and Americans working on construction (AP Images/DOD)
On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti. The United States has worked with the government and citizens of Haiti, NGOs and the international community to rebuild.
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The United States has supported the removal of an estimated 1.2 million cubic meters of rubble, the first step to rebuilding. U.S.-funded programs are repairing damaged houses, the fastest way to move people into permanent quarters.
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is leading U.S. efforts to fight cholera, and USAID is continuing its long-standing commitment to improving Haiti’s health infrastructure and basic health and sanitation practices.
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Haiti's traditional farming practices have wreaked environmental havoc. USAID’s continued focus on improving Haitian farmers’ skill sets is improving crop yields, promoting sustainable farming practices and increasing farmers’ incomes.
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