Obama, Hu Hold Joint Press Conference While Michelle Obama Encourages U.S. – China Youth Exchanges

After the official welcome ceremony at the White House this morning and a series of meetings, President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China held a joint press conference at the White House.

The pair discussed the economy, politics, national security, human rights, and building stronger U.S. – China ties.   Speaking about the U.S. – China relationship, President Obama said that in the 21st Century the two countries should engage in a “spirit of cooperation that is also friendly competition.”

For his part, President Hu acknowledged the U.S. and China share “expanding common interests,” and he echoed Obama’s high hopes that U.S. and Chinese youth will continue to connect through exchanges and will help to bring about deeper cross-cultural understanding between their countries. 

Michelle Obama also showed her support for U.S. – China youth exchanges at a separate event today in Washington, DC.  Speaking at Howard University the first lady announced the new “100,000 Strong Initiative, which aims to increase the number and the diversity of young people from the U.S. studying in China.  Praising the benefits of study abroad in general, the first lady told the crowd of students:

“And I can guarantee all of you that when you study abroad, you won’t just change your own life.  You’ll change the lives of every single person you come in contact with.”

Learn more about the 100,000 Strong Initiative – http://bit.ly/gcbyMq

Read the full transcript of this morning’s welcome ceremony with Presidents Obama and Hu – http://bit.ly/ifyEbT

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About Tanya Brothen

Tanya Brothen is a blogging enthusiast who began writing for the web on a whim. Now it’s her job.||She recently received a Master’s Degree in International Affairs and works as a New Media Officer for the State Department. Tanya not only writes for By the People, but also acts as the blog’s organizer, keeping everyone on topic and on time. To demonstrate her understanding of democracy, she holds regular blog team meetings and usually listens to what the others have to say.

2 thoughts on “Obama, Hu Hold Joint Press Conference While Michelle Obama Encourages U.S. – China Youth Exchanges

  1. Life seems to have improved slowly (very slowly) in China going back to Nixon’s opening to China. It is hard to say how much U.S. policies had to do with that, but I think it was beneficial­. Of course we shouldn’t ignore human rights abuses by other countries, but it seems likely that increased openness toward others such as Cuba and North Korea might help improve conditins in those countries, too. Nothing ventured, nothing gained?

  2. It is time that both the countries America and China built into blue sheet of power that is of the merger of two lands into one with the separating lines clearly defined where governance of the two countries sees itself into one for global peace basically with understanding first that is of subtle friendship for sharing common interests as President Hu has indicated.
    Individual cultures do offer ways to adopt at the same goal where perceptions land based or regional of nature come in for minds to agree or agree to disagree and that is where President Obama has meant to convey “spirit of cooperation that is also friendly competition”. Obviously his well guarded statement refers to the shortcomings that are meant to be screened for transcendence of its gross formulations that time had provided for all growing nations of the world in the past.
    Anything perceptibly good offers change as the Lady Michelle Obama has come to highlight on the sidelines and hopefully it should satisfy the esteemed guest of America on America’s move with a change “defining gesture”.
    Frankly speaking Higher Nature of life has brought through its Live play over life in the past the Higher Power of gradual evolution that had earlier at the unconscious level of lower life in the past had acted to absorb or arrest the gross of lower life in governance for giving its lower nature of lower life a governing platform as ground that now stands of its unconscious state of Higher Power for the governing heads of lands to absorb with change and that change should be considered inherently by all the wise as new light for life with a beginning.
    This concludes the essence of my comment for both the host and the guest with all greetings of perceptions through the Higher Power.