What's New

Announcements about changes to the site

The Court

The Court, Judges, jurisdiction, policies, corporate documents, speeches, DVDs and other publications

Judicial appointments

Appointment to the Federal Court of Australia

Information for litigants

Step by step guides to admiralty, bankruptcy, human rights, native title, mediation, appeals and being a witness. Information about getting legal assistance, childcare facilities and a virtual tour of a courtroom

Information for practitioners

Practice notes, Administrative Notices, procedural documents, 'Practice News' email notification service


The Court's online services: Federal Law Search - for information on specific cases, eLodgment - to lodge documents, eCourtroom - to participate in a virtual courtroom, eCase Administration - a secure area to discuss case related issues with chambers and Commonwealth Courts Portal - client access to information about cases before the courts.

Filing, forms, fees and costs

Court forms for downloading, fax filing, e-filing, fees, exemptions and waivers, costs

Court lists and hearings

Daily court lists nationwide, subscribe to Court lists, Full Court sittings, appeals to Full Court

Practice Documents.
Practice Notes and Administrative Notices


Fully searchable index of judgments, appeals to Full Court, videos of judgment summaries


Links to Federal Court Act, Rules and Regulations on ComLaw

Court documents and transcript

Public, media and party access to Court documents and transcript including under the Freedom of Information Act

Legal research

Legal research links, search the Court library's native title and general catalogues, information for students

Contact the Court's registries

Street addresses, maps, phone numbers, e-mail, nearby child care facilities, parking and wheelchair access


What's new | the Court | Information for litigants | Information for practitioners | Information for students | Filing, forms, fees and costs | Court lists and hearings | Court documents and transcript | eCourt | Judgments | Library catalogues | Legal research links | Contact the Court's registries | Translation services

Translation services