The Diptera Site

Information about the World's flies

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The Diptera Web after 12 years is now officially closed.


Its functionality will be assumed by others shortly. Until that transition can be made, the link to the Biosystematic Database of World Diptera is left open.



Names are the key to information about flies. With a name one can search the WWW, gophers, abstract services (BIOSIS, Zoological Record) and printed literature. ALL data about organisms are tagged with scientific names. To find out whether one has an appropriate scientific name and to get basic information associated with that name, one needs to access a catalog or database. Access here is provided to the BioSystematic Database of World Diptera (BDWD).


We are very grateful to our sponsors, which include the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution and the Systematic Entomology Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture. The National Science Foundation is funding the Fly-Tree (ATOL) project. Our special thanks are due to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the Schlinger Foundation for providing the funds for a postdoctoral fellowship for the BDWD.

Content by F. Christian Thompson

Please send questions and comments to Chris Thompson.
Last Updated: 21 August 2008 by F Christian Thompson

Reviewed: 18 October 2010