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  Annual Energy Outlook 2005 with Projections to 2025

Report #: DOE/EIA-0383(2005)
Release date full report: January 2005
Next release date full report: January 2006
Early Release Reference Case date: December 2005

The Annual Energy Outlook presents a midterm forecast and analysis of US energy supply, demand, and prices through 2025.
The projections are based on results from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. AEO2005 includes a reference case and over 30 sensitivities.     

Data Tables
Summary Tables Adobe  Acrobat Logo Yearly Tables Excel logo
Regional and other detailed tables Excel logo (Supplemental)
Market Drivers 
    Trends in Economic Activity
    Economic Growth Cases
    International Oil Markets
Energy Demand Projections
    Buildings Sector
    Commercial Sector
    Industrial Energy Demand
    Transportation Energy Demand
    Energy Demand in Alternative Technology Cases
Electricity Forecast
    Electricity Demand and Supply
    Electricity Alternative Cases
    Electricity Supply
    Electricity Fuel Costs and Prices
    Electricity from Renewable Sources
Oil and Natural Gas Projections
   Natural Gas Demand and Supply
   Natural Gas Production and Imports
   Natural Gas Prices
   Oil Prices and Production
   Oil Production and Technology
    Alaskan Oil Production and Oil Imports
    Petroleum Refining
    Refined Petroleum Products
Coal Forecasts
    Coal Production
    Coal Prices and Mine Employment
    Coal Exports, Imports, and Consumption
    Coal Consumption and Alternative Cases
Projected Emissions
    Carbon Dioxide Emissions
    Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide Emissions
    Nitrogen Oxide and Mercury Emissions
Issues in Focus
    World Oil Price Cases
    Changing Trends in the Bulk Chemicals and Pulp and Paper
    Fuel Economy of the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet
    U.S. Greenhouse Gas Intensity and the Global Climate
      Change Initiative
    Impacts of Temperature Variation on Energy Demand in
    Production Tax Credit for Renewable Electricity Generation
    Distributed Generation in Buildings
    Restricted Natural Gas Supply Case
  Legislation and Regulations
    13 SEER Standard for Central Air Conditioners and Heat
    Maximum Achievable Control Technology for New Industrial
    Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule
     American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
     Military Construction Appropriations and Emergency
        Hurricane Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005
     State Renewable Energy Requirements and Goals: Status
        Through 2003
     Update on State Air Emission Regulations That Affect
        Electric Power Producers
     California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for  Light-Duty Vehicles
     Multi-Pollutant Legislation and Regulations
    Climate Stewardship Act of 2004
Forecast Comparisons
List of Acronyms Adobe  Acrobat Logo
Notes and Sources Adobe  Acrobat Logo

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Related Links

    Detailed AEO assumptions
    NEMS Model documentation
    NEMS: An Overview
    AEO Forecast Evaluation
    Past AEO editions
    AEO Conference Briefing Slides
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