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Congressman Brad Schneider

Representing the 10th District of Illinois

In The News

Feb 13, 2013 In The News
Steve Sadin

Rep. Brad Schneider and Rep. Jan Schakowsky saw President Barack Obama’s State of the Union through different eyes but came away with the same message Tuesday.

Both north suburban lawmakers praised and ratified the President’s proposals to raise the minimum wage, stimulate job growth, implement gun control and more. They heard the same message but saw it differently.

Feb 11, 2013 In The News
Stan Golovchuk

Chicago shooting victim Hadiya Pendleton's mother will be Congressman Brad Schneider's guest at Tuesday's State of the Union Address, according to his office.

Feb 10, 2013 In The News
Kerry Lester

The mother of a slain Chicago teen who has quickly become the face of gun violence will be a suburban congressman's guest to the State of the Union address Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

Feb 10, 2013 In The News
Seung Min Kim

Seventeen House Democrats have committed to bringing people affected by gun violence as guests to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union next week.

The nascent effort began in January with a letter from five House Democrats, urging their colleagues to invite people whose lives had been influenced by gun violence to the Feb. 12 speech.

Feb 8, 2013 In The News
Kerry Lester

Holy acronym!

Congressman Brad Schneider introduced his first piece of legislation this week, together with Republican U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania.

Feb 8, 2013 In The News
Steve Sadin

Legislation to improve employment opportunities for north suburban residents was introduced today by Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Deerfield). It is the first bill introduced by the 10th District Congressman.

Feb 5, 2013 In The News
Kerry Lester

Earlier this week, U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk’s office announced that the Highland Park Republican along with Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley of Chicago and Republican U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock of Peoria was reintroducing the Visa Waiver Security and Reform Act.

Feb 5, 2013 In The News
Ashlee Rezin

Illinois lawmakers reintroduced the Visa Waiver Program Enhanced Security and Reform Act, legislation that would waive visas for visitors to the U.S. from countries like Poland.

Feb 5, 2013 In The News
Sarah Flagg

Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) along with Aaron Schock (R-IL) and Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) reintroduced the Visa Waiver Program Enhanced Security and Reform Act on Monday. If passed, the bill would enhance the national security benefits of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) and boost the economy, according to a news release.

Feb 1, 2013 In The News
Kerry Lester

The day after the U.S. Senate held a nationally watched hearing on gun control, a freshman congressman brought the issue home with a Thursday morning round-table in Wheeling.