Fire Protection Series Coffee Break Sets (Q2000)

Training Specialist

Woody Stratton

Apply Online

Curriculum: Fire Prevention: Technical

Fire and building inspectors with busy daily schedules often don't have time to attend valuable skill-enhancing training sessions. In 2005 the U.S. Fire Administration's National Fire Academy introduced Coffee Break Training. Coffee Break Training is a weekly one-page training notice that provides technical training in fire protection systems, building construction, codes and standards, inspection techniques, hazardous materials and administrative tips. Weekly issues have been compiled into Sets and those Sets are being made available through NFA Online at There is an exam following each set and successful completion can earn the student up to 0.2 CEUs.

Selection Criteria
Delivery Type Online
ACE Recommendation
CEU's 0.2
Post-Course Requirements
Student Pre-Course Materials None.
NFPA Standards None.
Student Comments