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The Dredging Statistics Program provides dredging data to support decisions pertaining to the Corps of Engineers national dredging program. The Dredging Information System (DIS) database contains information on all Corps performed and contracted dredging and supplies comprehensive dredging statistics to all dredging partners. The database offers a synopsis of information which includes project name, quantity of dredged material, type of dredge, method of disposal, government estimate, winning bid and bidder, and small business status.

This information is essential to both Corps Headquarters and the Division coordinators for efficient overall planning and program management. It also assures the District that its dredging program and schedule are correctly represented in the database. DIS meets the needs of the dredging industry by providing quality data from a central source in a timely manner.

These data are entered by District personnel directly into the central database. Reports are posted every other Monday.

Comments or Questions Contact: NDC
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
7701 Telegraph Rd., Casey Bldg.
Alexandria, VA 22315
(703) 428-9061
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