
Posted by on December 13, 2012
Posted by Staff on October 28, 2012
Posted by Staff on October 11, 2012
For over 30 years, the AAUW releases a Congressional voting record, which provides information on how members of Congress voted on legislation critical to women and girl’s education, economic security, and civil rights. Congressman Adam Smith was thrilled to learn that his voting record earned him a perfect score of 100 from the AAUW.
Posted by Staff on October 03, 2012
On Tuesday, Taiwan was admitted into the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP), allowing for easier and more secure travel between the U.S. and Taiwan.
Posted by on August 17, 2012
Coastal beaches are experiencing an increase in marine debris, likely resulting from the March 2011 tsunami that devastated Japan and claimed nearly 16,000 lives. Tsunami debris may show up on our shores intermittently during the next several years, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predictions.
Posted by Staff on July 25, 2012
This year, Washington State congressional districts were redrawn. Read answers to the most common questions about redistricting and use this interactive tool to find out if your district has changed.