August 30, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Photo courtesy of Wall Street Journal  Los Angeles Times reports, Mortgage settlement with banks starts to ease foreclosure crisis.  The Wall Street Journal runs, The Housing Recovery Is Looking Better and Better.  Contracts to buy US homes hits 2-year high in July, Associated Press.  “Fewer Americans are late on mortgage payments: Fed Bank of New [...]

August 24, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan Promotes Administration Refinance Plan in Portland Stop, The Oregonian. The Sun-Sentinal publishes Florida Among the National Leaders in Home Re-Fi Applications. The Washington Post runs Defining A ‘Qualified’ Mortgage. “Mass. Gets $5.3m for homeless prevention,” Associated Press. “Homeless veterans summit aims to help vets get lives on track.” And, “Affordable rental [...]

August 23, 2012

Eight Federal Agencies Align Work in Northwest Indiana

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There is a feeling of revitalization in Northwest Indiana and it is the result of partnerships working together for the good of the region.  HUD is proud to be part of one of the key partnerships — federal agencies collaborating to create synergistic, creative solutions to regional issues. Early in his administration, President Obama directed [...]

August 22, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

ABC 30 Fresno reports on Secretary Donovan’s visit to Fresno: Offering Hope to Struggling Homeowners. “Home resales rise, housing recovery inches along,” Reuters. Forbes runs 4 Signs the Housing Market is Improving. Homeowners More Optimistic on Housing Market, Prices headlines Fox Business. CBS Chicago publishes Survive This Economy: Refinancing Your Home Loan. And, The Huffington [...]

August 17, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

Refinancing a Vacation Home headlines The New York Times. “Improving Housing Market Paves Way for Real Estate Data Firm Trulia’s IPO,” Bloomberg. Post Independent publishes Real Estate Experts Discuss Refinancing, Short Sales and More. NBC News reports Housing Economist: Good Time to Get a Bargain. Associated Press writes $105 Million to House, Aid L.A. Homeless. [...]
