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Economic and Social Sciences Research

Annual Groundfish Economic Status Reports from the Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluations (PDFs)

Users of these reports should be aware that the year in the title of each report in the drop-down list refers to the year of publication and that each report provides data on activity through the end of the previous year. So, for example, the 2012 Groundfish Economic Status Report provides data through year 2011.

To view and print these documents, you must install Adobe Acrobat Reader freeware.  Adobe also offers free tools for the visually disabled

Request for Feedback from Users of the Groundfish Economic Status Report

The Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) has prepared a voluntary survey through which users of the Groundfish SAFE Economic Status Report may provide comments and feedback on the Report. For more information about the survey or to participate, please visit our survey web page.

Data Time Series for Tables in the Groundfish Economic Status Report (CSV format)

Please refer to the most recent Groundfish Economic Status Report (available in PDF format, above) for table titles, data sources, and notes on using and interpreting these data. Data files currently provide data through year 2010.

Groundfish Catch Data: Tables 1 through 5

Documentation of the CSV files for the catch-data tables is available here: Groundfish Catch Metadata.

Groundfish Discards and Discard Rates: Tables 6 through 10

Documentation of the CSV files for the discards-data tables is available here: Groundfish Discards Metadata.

Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) and Catch Rates: Tables 11 through 15

Documentation of the CSV files for the PSC tables is available here: Groundfish PSC Metadata.

Groundfish Ex-Vessel Prices and Value: Tables 16 through 24

Documentation of the CSV files for the ex-vessel price/value tables is available here: Groundfish Ex-Vessel Value Metadata.

Groundfish First Wholesale Prices and Value: Tables 25 through 35

Documentation of the CSV files for the first-wholesale price/value tables is available here: Groundfish First-Wholesale Value Metadata.

Counts and Average Revenue of Vessels That Meet a Revenue Threshold: Tables 36 through 39

Documentation of the CSV files for the revenue-threshold tables is available here: Groundfish Revenue-Threshold Metadata.

Effort (Fleet Size, Weeks of Fishing, Crew Weeks): Tables 40 through 50

Documentation of the CSV files for the effort-data tables is available here: Groundfish Effort Metadata.

Observer Coverage and Costs: Table 51

Documentation of the CSV files for the observer-coverage tables is available here: Groundfish Observer-Coverage Metadata.

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