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NREPP Glossary

The following definitions have been drawn from numerous sources and are tailored specifically for content on the NREPP Web site. The terms defined here may have slightly different meanings in other settings.

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Effective Program
A few Effective Programs were re-reviewed for NREPP using updated criteria in 2006-2007 and can now be found by searching for the program on the Find an Intervention page.

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Approaches to prevention or treatment that are based in theory and have undergone scientific evaluation. "Evidence-based" stands in contrast to approaches that are based on tradition, convention, belief, or anecdotal evidence.

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A study design in which (1) the intervention is compared with one or more control or comparison conditions, (2) subjects are randomly assigned to study conditions, and (3) data are collected at both pretest and posttest or at posttest only. The experimental study design is considered the most rigorous of the three types of designs (experimental, quasi-experimental, and preexperimental).

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Externalizing behaviors
Social behaviors and other external cues that reflect an individual's internal emotional or psychological conflicts. Examples include spontaneous weeping, "acting out," and uncharacteristic aggression. Reduction of externalizing behaviors is a frequently used measure of the success of treatment or intervention for mental or emotional disorders.

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