The Small Business Watchdog

As the voice of small business in government, Advocacy invites you to post your thoughts on this moderated blog, provided as a forum for the small business community.

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Entries from March 2011

Celebrating Women’s History Month and Women’s Business Development

March 21st, 2011 · 3 Comments

 March is Women’s History Month. The importance of celebrating women’s history was well stated in the March 2 Presidential Proclamation.
 “Countless women have steered the course of our history, and their stories are ones of steadfast determination. From reaching for the ballot box to breaking barriers on athletic fields and battlefields, American women have stood resolute in [...]


Tags: Research & Statistics

Justice Department Releases Small Business Compliance Guide on New ADA Regulations

March 17th, 2011 · 3 Comments

The Department of Justice’s revised Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations took effect on March 15. These new regulations apply to businesses of all sizes that serve the public, and they contain many new or revamped provisions on general nondiscrimination policies.
The Department of Justice has developed a guide to help small businesses understand their obligations [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy · State and Regional

Capitol Hill Connection for the Week of March 14, 2011

March 15th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Each week while Congress is in session the Office of Advocacy will post a highlights schedule of congressional hearings and committee markups that we think will be of interest to stakeholders in the small business community. For further information on the hearings in question please contact the relevant congressional committee.
The FY 2011 budget saga [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy · Research & Statistics

Capitol Hill Connection for the Week of March 8

March 8th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Each week while Congress is in session the Office of Advocacy will post a highlights schedule of congressional hearings and committee markups that we think will be of interest to stakeholders in the small business community. For further information on the hearings in question please contact the relevant congressional committee.
The main topic of discussion [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Capitol Hill Connection for the Week of February 28

March 1st, 2011 · 1 Comment

Each week while Congress is in session the Office of Advocacy will post a highlights schedule of congressional hearings and committee markups that we think will be of interest to stakeholders in the small business community. For further information on the hearings in question please contact the relevant congressional committee.
Congress is back in session [...]


Tags: Regulatory Policy · Research & Statistics · State and Regional