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Disaster Preparedness

Click on the icons below to learn more about disasters in the County of San Diego and how to prepare for them:


Wildland Fire

Your Home and Yard

  • Follow all local building, fire and hazard abatement codes
  • Install a smoke detector on each level of your home and test them twice monthly
  • Clear combustible vegetation  New Window Icon in a 100-foot radius from any structure
  • Download the Wildfire Guide New Window Icon for more information on how to better safeguard your family, property, and possessions.

When Fire Approaches

  • Evacuate as soon as directed by public safety officials
  • Place your disaster kit  New Window Icon along with valuables and other essentials in your vehicle

More Wildland Fire info...


Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety

  1. Fix potential hazards
  2. Create a disaster plan  New Window Icon
  3. Create a disaster supplies kit  New Window Icon
  4. Fix your building's potential weaknesses
  5. During earthquakes and aftershocks: Drop, Cover, and Hold On
  6. After the earthquake, check for injuries and damage
  7. When safe, continue to follow your disaster plan

More Earthquake info...  New Window Icon

Pandemic Influenza

Make Good Hygiene a Habit

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water
  • Cover your mouth and nose New Window Icon when you cough or sneeze
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Stay at home if you are sick

What Can I do to Prepare?

  • Plan for a disruption in usual services
  • Store a two-week supply of water and food
  • Learn the facts about influenza

More H1N1 info... New Window Icon  More Bird Flu info... New Window Icon


How to Survive on California's Coast

  • Know whether you live in a tsunami danger zone by determining the elevation of your home and how far it is from the coast
  • If the tide rises or recedes rapidly, move immediately inland to higher ground
  • Identify a location at least two miles inland or 100 feet above sea level to go if a tsunami watch or warning is issued
  • Stay away from coastal or low lying areas until an "all-clear" notice has been issued
  • Use common sense, do not go to the coast to see a tsunami
  • Watch the Tsunamis: Know What to Do video

More Tsunami info...  New Window Icon


Before the Storm

  • Monitor TV and radio for flood warnings
  • Know how to shut off electricity at the fuse panel and gas service at the meter
  • Keep insurance documents and valuables in a safe-deposit box or move them to upper floors

During and After the Storm

  • Don't go near, swim, or drive through flood waters and avoid downed power and broken gas lines
  • Follow local instructions regarding the safety of drinking water

More Flooding info... New Window Icon


If You See Something, Say Something

  • A key element in our nation's effort to protect ourselves against crime and terrorism is the concept that homeland security begins with hometown security.
  • Know The Eight Signs of Terrorism

What Should You Do in the Event of an Attack?

  • Remain calm and be aware of your surroundings
  • Have a disaster plan New Window Icon ready
  • Be ready for instructions to shelter in place or to evacuate, and follow the instructions of local officials on any other necessary actions

More Terrorism info... New Window Icon