Navy Office of Community Outreach Story Archive

Navy Dives in Chicago's Shedd Aquarium  (16 August 2012)
Navy divers from the Navy Experimental Dive Unit (NEDU) Midwest dove in Chicago's Shedd Aquarium Caribbean Reef exhibit, Aug. 16, demonstrating how Navy divers train to find and retrieve lost equipment and weapons, repair damaged ships and survey the deep sea to protect fellow Sailors.
Community Engagement Events Kick Off Toledo Navy Week  (21 August 2012)
Toledo Navy Week officially kicked off Aug. 20 with an address to area business leaders from the assistant for administration to the Secretary of the Navy, along with several community engagement events.
Cleveland Navy Week, War of 1812 Commemoration begins with Mayoral Proclamation  (28 August 2012)
Cleveland Navy Week and War of 1812 Commemoration kicked off early Aug. 27 with a rock concert and ended with an official proclamation from the mayor.
Navy Honors Battle of Lake Erie Heroes during War of 1812 Commemoration  (30 August 2012)
The U.S. Navy joined local Cleveland historical societies Aug. 28, to honor those who fought in the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813.

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