Robert Menendez

US Senator for New Jersey
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Reid, Stabenow, Menendez Join Renewable Energy Advocates To Discuss Democrats’ Plan To Create Jobs And Reduce Our Dependence On Oil

July 28, 2010

Washington - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Debbie Stabenow and Bob Menendez joined Larry Laseter of the Home Star Coalition and Marilyn Heiman of Pew Environment Group at a press conference earlier today to discuss the clean energy jobs and oil spill accountability plan that Senator Reid introduced yesterday. The bill will create clean energy jobs, hold BP accountable and invest in cleaner vehicles that do not rely on oil.

"There are many ways to end our addiction to oil and this bill is one of them," said Senator Reid.  "This bill creates jobs that can never be outsourced by strengthening companies that make energy efficiency products. It also saves consumers money - about $1 billion a year over the next 10 years - by cutting energy costs and giving them incentives to make their homes more energy efficient. And it changes the law to make it crystal clear that polluters - not the taxpayers - are going to be held responsible for cleaning up the Gulf."

"While the GOP stands in the way of a comprehensive energy package, we must move forward to create jobs and hold BP accountable," said Senator Stabenow.  "This bill will help protect our environment and invest in the development of alternative energy jobs and technology. The Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act is an important step to reduce American dependence on oil and lower energy costs through programs like Home Star.  It will also hold BP responsible for the devastation it has caused in the Gulf region. I am committed to passing this legislation because it will create good-paying clean energy jobs and lead the way for more comprehensive energy reforms."

"Does anyone who has been watching the images coming in from the Gulf believe that we should be protecting multi-billion dollar oil companies instead of the small businesses, fisheries and coastal residents who are losing their livelihoods?  It is time that we stood up to Big Oil and make them pay for their own mess and not taxpayers, small business owners, states, or the federal government," said Senator Menendez.

"The 2,600 members of the HOME STAR Coalition stand together in support of the bi-partisan HOME STAR program, which will deliver a rare triple win for the American people in the form of jobs, savings for consumers, and a positive impact on energy independence and the environment," said Larry Laseter of WellHome.  "Rarely is there an initiative with a near-universal benefit, but that is exactly what we have with the HOME STAR program and we applaud this bi-partisan bill and the Senate leaders for championing this cause."

"It's been over 30 years since we have amended our offshore drilling laws. Advancements with drilling technology has  outpaced advancements in safety, as well as the prevention of and response to spills. We need to plug the leaks in the law now," said Marilyn Heiman of Pew Environment Group.  "The Pew Environment Group commends the Senate's bipartisan approach for taking prompt action to make these needed reforms so that as future offshore development off America's coasts is science based and ensures use of the best available technology and environmental review. There is too much at stake to do business without these protections in place."

The following groups joined the Senators and participants at today's press conference:

American Fly Fishing Trade Association

American Outdoors Association

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Boone and Crockett Club

Boone and Crockett Club

Conservation Pathway

Ducks Unlimited

National Parks Conservation Association

National Parks Conservation Association

National Shooting Sports Foundation

Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation

The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy

The Trust for Public Land

The Wilderness Society

The Wilderness Society

Trout Unlimited

Trust for Public Lands

Wildlife Forever

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