Robert Menendez

US Senator for New Jersey
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Menendez Hails Cloture For Unemployment Insurance Extension After Weeks Of Republican Obstruction

Republican delay of extension affected 52,800 laid off workers in New Jersey

July 20, 2010

Washington - Today, after weeks of Republicans filibustering and blocking legislation to extend unemployment insurance for laid-off workers during the worst economy in generations, the U.S. Senate advanced an extension through the end of November. By a 60-40 vote, the legislation overcame a Republican filibuster and heads toward final passage. Under the extension, the federal government would continue to provide assistance for up to 99 weeks of unemployment insurance for laid off workers. According to U.S. Department of Labor statistics, the obstruction of the unemployment insurance extension was affecting 52,800 laid off workers in New Jersey. In total, 463,800 New Jerseyans are receiving unemployment insurance.

U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) voted for and hailed today's vote:

"For New Jersey's laid off workers desperately looking for new employment in the toughest job market in generations, this emergency assistance is critical to putting food on the table and keeping a roof over head. By helping these families to stay afloat, we are helping to ensure that our economic recovery is not cut short."

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