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2012 Presidential $1 Four-Coin Set, Denver (CD7)

Price: $9.95

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The 2012 Presidential $1 Four-Coin Set features coins honoring Presidents Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland (first term), Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland (second term). These coins’ designs display large, dramatic artwork and edge-incused inscriptions of the year, E PLURIBUS UNUM and the mint mark. Each obverse shows the name and likeness of the President, the term in office, the number indicating the order in which the President served and the inscription IN GOD WE TRUST. Each coin has a common reverse design featuring a striking rendition of the Statue of Liberty.

This set contains one each of the four circulating quality Presidential $1 Coins minted at the United States Mint at Denver that have never been released into circulation. The packaging allows customers to easily open it if desired so the coins may be removed and placed into albums or other collecting tools.

Also available: 2012 Presidential $1 Four-Coin Set, Philadelphia

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