ATTACHMENT D PARTICIPATING IN THE FCC MOCK AUCTION This attachment describes how to download and install the FCC Mock Bidding Software for qualified bidders who wish to participate in the FCC Mock Auction. It also describes how to monitor the Mock Auction. Conventions The instructions in this section use the following typographical conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icons, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Location field, Selected Licenses area of a screen). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. SMALL CAPS Represents keys on the keyboard (e.g., ENTER, CTRL, ESC). Note: Throughout these instructions, "enter" means to type the appropriate information and then press the ENTER key. A. Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements Qualified bidders who want to participate in the FCC Mock Auction will need, at a minimum, the following hardware and software: 1. Hardware Requirements ? CPU: Intelr Pentium ? RAM: 16 MB (more recommended if you have multiple applications open) ? Hard Disk: 33 MB available disk space ? Modem: 28.8 Kbps Hayesc compatible mode (recommend 56.6 Kbps) ? Monitor: VGA or above ? Mouse or other pointing device 2. Software Requirements ? Microsoftr Windows 95T or 98T ? FCC Mock Bidding Software, available through the Internet ? Netscaper CommunicatorT 4.73 is recommended. However, you can also use Netscape Communicator 4.5, 4.51, 4.61, 4.7, or 4.72 (Internet web browser software). Note: To download Netscape Communicator 4.73 free of charge, access the Netscape download site at Note: The FCC Mock Bidding Software has not been tested in a Macintosh, OS/2, or Windows NTT environment. Therefore, the FCC will not support operating systems other than Microsoft Windows 95 or 98. This includes any other emulated Windows environment. B. Downloading the FCC Mock Bidding Software FCC Mock Auction participants must first download the FCC Mock Bidding Software from the Internet. Participants must download the mock36.exe compressed file to install the software. You may use your Web browser to download the compressed files from,, or, as described in the following section. 1. Downloading from or 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Web browser. 2. Enter the following location: or 3. Click Mock 4. Click Programs 5. Download the following file: mock36.exe 2. Downloading from 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Web browser. 2. Enter the following location: 3. In the Auctions section to the right, click SMR 800 MHz Lower 80 Ch. (#36) under Future Auctions 4. Click Mock Auction Software 5. Download the following file: mock36.exe C. Extracting and Installing the FCC Mock Bidding Software The FCC Mock Bidding Software file is downloaded in a self-extracting, compressed file format. Before installing the FCC Mock Bidding Software for Auction 36, you must uninstall any mock or remote bidding software that was installed on your computer before Auction 36. After you have downloaded the compressed file for the FCC Mock Bidding Software, you must extract the software from that file. To extract the software, follow these steps: 1. Start Windows Explorer and open the file folder where you downloaded the files. 2. Double-click mock36.exe. 3. Follow the instructions that display on your screen. 4. At the system prompt to reboot, leave Yes (the default) selected and click Finish. After the FCC Mock Bidding Software has been installed, you will have a new Program group called FCC Remote Bidding System with Mock 36 Bidding Software and Mock 36 Dial-Up Connection options in the drop down list. You will also see an icon labeled Mock 36 Bidding Software on your desktop. D. Connecting To the FCC Network Before running the FCC Mock Bidding Software, you must connect to the FCC Network via the FCC Auctions 877#. For details about connecting to the FCC Network, refer to the attachment titled Accessing the FCC Network Using Windows 95/98. E. Starting the Mock Bidding Software You may start the FCC Mock Bidding Software by double-clicking the Mock 36 Bidding Software icon on your desktop. Note: When accessing the Mock Bidding Software, verify that the auction ID is 74. The mock auction is numbered 74, whereas the real auction is numbered 36. F. Tracking the FCC Mock Auction Mock Auction round results and announcement files will be posted on the FCC Internet in the same location as the auction results. The directory structure for the mock auction will be as follows: On the primary location, ? ? ? For information about the format of these files, refer to the attachment titled How to Monitor the FCC Auctions On-Line. If you cannot access the files at the preceding primary location, you can access the same files at either of the following secondary locations: or G. Uninstalling the FCC Mock Bidding Software To uninstall the FCC Mock Bidding Software: 1. Double-click the Mock 36 Bidding Software Uninstall icon in the FCC Remote Bidding System program group. To see the Programs list, click the Start button, highlight Programs, then highlight FCC Remote Bidding System. 2. When the Remove Shared Files? dialog box appears, click NO to All, so you preserve files that are shared with the FCC Remote Bidding Software for Auction 36. 3. When the process has completed, click OK. Important: If the Mock Bidding Software and the Remote Bidding Software for Auction 36 are both installed on your computer, it is very important that you click NO to All when the FCC Mock Bidding Software Uninstall program displays the Remove Shared Files? dialog box. Otherwise, the uninstall will delete shared program files and you will need to re-install the Remote Bidding Software for Auction 36. H. Help For technical assistance with installing or using FCC software, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250 (V) or (202) 414-1255 (TTY). The FCC Technical Support Hotline is generally available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET, Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET, and Sunday from 12 noon to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded. 5 PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554