Key U.S. Outcomes at the UN Human Rights Council 19th Session

The 19th Session of the Human Rights Council underscored the importance of robust engagement at the Council, where the United States continues to work with a diverse range of countries from all regions of the world to address urgent human rights concerns.

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Vigorous U.S. Engagement Helped Spur Series of Important Actions at 19th Session of HRC

The Council took robust action to address the ongoing carnage in Syria, beginning with a high-level urgent debate during the Council’s opening week.

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HRC Adopts by Consensus Resolution on Combatting Intolerance and Discrimination

Adoption of this resolution must be followed by sustained commitment. At a time when violence and discrimination against members of religious minorities is all too common.

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Syria Resolution Highlights Growing Unity of International Community, Isolation of Three Who Voted Against

Today, on the session’s final day, Council members came together in their strongest show of unity yet to demand end to the violence by the Assad regime.

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U.S. Strongly Objects to HRC’s Creation of One-sided Fact Finding Mission on Israeli Settlements

Explanation of U.S. Vote on “Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”

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U.S. Joins Consensus on Resolution on the Realization in All Countries of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

US will work constructively with like-minded delegations to adopt fair and well-reasoned resolutions at the UN that speak to the issues of economic, social and cultural rights and are consistent with our own laws and policies.

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US Joins Consensus on HRC Resolution on the Right to Food

We support the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living, including food, as recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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U.S. Joins Consensus on HRC Resolution on Housing in Disaster Settings

We welcome the focus on adequate housing in the context of disasters, and note that this is a challenge that affects all countries, including the United States.

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Internal Matters Like Staffing of High Commissioner’s Office Should Not Be Subject of HRC Resolutions

We believe that the resolution before us is not an appropriate means of achieving these goals. The Human Rights Council is a body made up of Member States, and should not attempt to instruct the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on internal matters like staffing.

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U.S. Deeply Troubled by HRC’s Disproportionate Focus on Israel

Let me be clear that the US opposition to this resolution is not an endorsement of the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights, which the United States does not recognize. We do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity, including in the occupied Golan Heights.

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