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GOP Vision for Jobs and Growth

Now that the tax issue is over, it's time to address Washington's spending addiction. Spending reform means more jobs, greater economic growth, and more opportunities for America's middle class.... Read More

The Senate is not in session.

The Senate will next convene for legislative business at 2:00 PM Monday, February 25th.... Read More

Empty Talk

President Obama's promises to address runaway Washington spending - including his pledge to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term - have fallen flat. For the first time in history, the US has seen four straight years of deficits of $1 trillion or more and the nationa... Read More

Senate Republican Conference Goes Mobile

The U.S. Senate Republican Conference recently released its official mobile application for Apple and Android devices. The mobile app is a one-stop shop for the latest news directly from Senate Republicans, including the daily floor calendar, important legislative updates, and the ... Read More

This weekend marks the 4-year anniversary of the failed stimulus plan. Learn about its effects via @WaysandMeansGOP: http://t.co/0SxvG9UD
.@SenJohnThune: Between 2007-2012, government grew at almost 3 times the rate of inflation. http://t.co/uPbhVuzC #SpendingIsTheProblem
Tax Hike Déjà Vu http://t.co/a5bLkJA6 #Obamaquester
Senators @DavidVitter & @SenatorIsakson recently launched new websites. Check them out at http://t.co/cEU3UJ07 & http://t.co/rkeRqkdq
Check out @Senate_GOPs latest web video highlighting the need to #CutSpendingNow & the GOP's vision for jobs & growth http://t.co/KoZqttku
Obamacare Sticker Shock: In Austin, younger, healthier people, and small businesses will see 169% increase in... http://t.co/37KNBYmx
Another Stimulus Boondoggle; Obama Called Project: 'A Symbol Of Where America Is Going' http://t.co/srMBXlyc
Obama Stimulus Bankrolls 'Workers Playing Board Games And Watching Movies At Government Expense' http://t.co/srMBXlyc
Amending the Constitution to guarantee a balanced budget sounds like a way to combat Washington's spending problem. http://t.co/tJEVtLHL
RT @KellyAyotte: 1387 days since Senate last passed a budget #NoBudgetNoPay
Phase 3: They offer some gimmicky tax hike bill designed to fail - then blame everyone else when it does. (4/4)
Phase 2: Liberals sit on their hands until the last minute. (3/4)
Phase 1: Republicans identify a challenge and propose a solution. (2/4)
McConnell: "Here we are, just days before this so-called #sequester is set to hit, and a familiar scenario is playing out once again." (1/4)
The #Senate is in session. Find out what's happening today: http://t.co/lbFyTzwf #Hagel
Let us know what you think of our latest web video --> GOP Vision for Jobs and Growth: http://t.co/HgSCprk6 #SpendingIsTheProblem
Pres Obama called on Congress to vote more. I absolutely agree. Leader Reid should let the Senate do its work to amend bills & vote often.
.@JohnCornyn, Senate Republicans Introduce Balanced Budget Amendment http://t.co/jrr1ShNH #BBAmdt
McConnell on #SOTU: A Missed Opportunity to Meet Our Economic, Fiscal Challenges http://t.co/EwEq2z8c #Kentucky
The #Senate is in session. Find out what's happening today: http://t.co/yhDLRGB6
VIDEO: Unfortunately, the #SOTU tonight was more of the same. #idpol http://t.co/mayp2txw
Disappointed that POTUS' plan to decrease the #debt is to increase taxes. #SOTU #cutspendingnow #spendingistheproblem http://t.co/wcqkX7iL
We want more energy jobs too Mr. President. How about approving the Keystone pipeline? 20,000 shovel ready jobs#Keystone
The dream of a better life for their children is the hope of parents everywhere #GOPResponse
Mr. President, I don't oppose your plans to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors. #GOPResponse
More gov't doesn't help you get ahead, it holds you back #GOPResponse
Opportunity doesn't come from a big central gov't, it comes from a vibrant free economy #GOPResponse
Senator @marcorubio will soon deliver the Republican Response to the Nation. Watch LIVE: http://t.co/9Hr0FSXC #GOPResponse
Despite The Poor Track Record Of Their Stimulus 'Investment' Decisions, Dems Want To Spend Even More http://t.co/TrRbCYZX
Nothing On Keystone? http://t.co/aZmwMTRv #SOTU