Senate Democrats

January 2013
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Day January 31, 2013

Senate Floor Wrap Up for January 31, 2013

ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Motion to Table the Portman Amendment #6 (dollar for dollar); Tabled: 54-44 2)      Motion to Table the Portman Amendment #7 (government shutdown prevention); Tabled: 52-46 3)      Motion to Table the Toomey Amendment #8 (full faith and credit); Tabled: 53-45 4)      Motion to Table the Paul Amendment #9 (prohibition of F-16’s to…


Roll Call Vote on Passage of H.R.325, Debt Limit

3:38pm The Senate began a roll call vote on passage of H.R.325, Debt Limit; Passed: 64-34


Roll Call Vote on Baucus motion to table Vitter motion to commit

3:21pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Baucus motion to table the Vitter motion to commit (spending cuts); Tabled: 53-45


Roll Call Vote on the Leahy motion to table the Paul amendment

3:03pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Leahy motion to table the Paul amendment #9 (prohibition of F-16s to Egypt); Tabled: 79-19


Roll Call Vote on the Baucus motion to table the Toomey amendment

2:44pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Baucus motion to table the Toomey amendment #8 (full faith and credit); Tabled: 53-41


Roll Call Vote on the Mikulski motion to table the Portman amendment

2:18pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Mikulski motion to table the Portman amendment #7 (shutdown prevention); Tabled: 52-46


Roll Call Vote on motion to table Portman amendment #6, dollar for dollar cuts

12:20pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Baucus motion to table the Portman amendment #6 (dollar for dollar cuts – S.43 text) to H.R.325, Debt Limit; Tabled: 54-44


Roll Call Votes in relation to H.R.325, Debt Limit

At 12:15pm today, the Senate will proceed to a roll call votes in relation to the Portman amendment #6 (dollar for dollar cuts – S.43 text) to H.R.325, Debt Limit. We expect this vote to be a motion to table.   At 2:15, there will be a series of 5 roll call votes in relation…


Reid Floor Remarks On Bipartisan Deficit Reduction

“I am glad Republicans set aside their plan to gamble with default. It was bad politics and even worse policy.” “A clean debt ceiling increase that allows the United States to meet its existing obligations should be the standard.” “Congress will continue to work to reduce the deficit. But we’ll do it without the threat…


Senate Floor Schedule for Thursday, January 31, 2013

Convenes: 9:30am Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will begin consideration of H.R.325, the debt limit legislation. The time until 12:15pm will be equally divided and controlled to run concurrently on the items below and on the bill. At 12:15pm, there will be one roll call vote in relation to the Portman amendment (dollar for…
