Small Things Making a Difference

- By Jeffrey M. Cox, LICSW, BCD, US Army Wounded Warrior Advocate -

I am pleased that I was invited to provide support to the 2008 AW2 Symposium in Indianapolis, IN. We met at the Sheraton Hotel overlooking the Civil War Monument reminding us that our work of remembering those who fought and wounded did not start four years ago when this program started.

I had a simple responsibility: Hall Monitor. I was responsible for assisting the logistical flow of the work and support delegates with numerous small issues. This involved helping pick up a forgotten prescription to driving a van to a baseball game. Small things – yet important.

The power of the Symposium is found in the connection and community of the week. People from various parts of the country who live separate and have various abilities come together to speak as a whole to the Army about how the wounded, injured, and ill can be remembered. I suspect that the work accomplished here will provide an incremental change to policies and procedures. This is OK – the Civil War monument was not built in one day nor will an everlasting policy that supports those who served and are wounded, injured, or ill.

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