Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard - Proudly Serving California's 40th District



I believe that we have an obligation to ensure that all of our seniors have the opportunity to enjoy their golden years in health and economic security. As a member of the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Subcommittee and as a founding member of the House Democratic Congressional Seniors Task Force, I continue to advocate for critical programs that impact seniors’ health and economic well-being.

Our seniors deserve quality affordable health care, and I believe that we must guarantee the availability of a strong Medicare Program for today’s seniors, and the millions that will join them as our population ages. I am committed to strengthening Medicare, not dismantling it and forcing our seniors to negotiate their own health benefits. Any proposal to ensure Medicare’s financial stability must preserve guaranteed benefits that have made Medicare a reliable source of care for seniors.

I supported efforts to ensure that the new health reform law strengthened Medicare's financial footing and protected the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, by cutting overpayments to providers, reducing waste and fraud, and lowering Medicare administrative costs. The health reform law will improve seniors' health care in concrete ways, including providing full access to preventive health services, increasing quality and coordination of care, reducing medical errors, and lowering prescription drug prices for seniors including total elimination of the "donut hole" coverage gap (when beneficiaries are responsible for the full cost of their drugs) in 2014.

I also believe that we must retain our commitment to ensuring the long-term financial security of our nation’s seniors. Congress must ensure that protecting the Social Security safety net remains a national priority for today’s seniors, tomorrow’s retirees, and persons with disabilities. As we continue to discuss proposals to control the deficit and reduce the national debt, we need to concentrate on finding a broad consensus on how to keep Social Security solvent that is sensible, equitable, and protects this critical program that 6 in 10 seniors rely on for the majority of their income.

Democrats are the party that created Medicare and Social Security and I am proud that today’s Democrats have continued this tradition of respect for America’s seniors. My Democratic colleagues and I will continue to fight for dignified retirement for those who gave so much to this country.

Congresswoman Roybal-Allard's Seniors Legislation

The Nursing Home Patient Protection and Standards Act
Provides training and whistleblower protections for the surveyors who oversee the quality of care provided by nursing home facilities.