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DHS Announces Guidance for More than $500 Million in Recovery Act-Funded Preparedness Grants

Release Date: 
May 29, 2009

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today released application guidance for more than $500 million in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) preparedness grants for fire station construction, port and transit security—funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

“These Recovery Act funds will strengthen our economy while improving our ability to prepare for terrorist attacks, major disasters and other emergencies,” said DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. “The grants announced today will go directly to local projects, revitalizing communities while updating our nation’s infrastructure and enhancing our security.”

The guidance released today includes $150 million for the Port Security Grant Program, $150 million for the Transit Security Grant Program and $210 million for the Fire Station Construction Grant Program. Signed into law by the President on Feb. 17, ARRA committed more than $3 billion to DHS and GSA in support of homeland security programs across the country.

The Port Security Grant Program provides $150 million to protect critical port infrastructure from terrorism; enhance maritime domain awareness and risk management capabilities to protect against improvised explosive devices and other non-conventional weapons; and support the implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC).  These funds are in addition to the $388.6 million in DHS port security grants announced in April 2009.

The Transit Security Grant Program provides $150 million to hire transit law enforcement officers, mobile explosive detection screening teams, and anti-terrorism teams; shovel-ready anti-terrorism security enhancements that must begin within 90 days of the release of funds and be completed within two years; and other security projects, including improvements to high-density tunnels, stations and bridges. These funds are in addition to the $388.6 million in DHS transit security grants announced in April 2009.

The Fire Station Construction Grant Program will provide $210 million directly to fire departments to build new or modify existing fire stations in order to enhance response capabilities and protect communities from fire-related hazards. These grants will replace unsafe or uninhabitable structures and expand fire protection coverage to meet increased service demand in compliance with National Fire Protection Association standards. These fire grants are in addition to the $565 million in Assistance to Firefighters grants announced earlier this year. 

Applications for the Port Security Grant Program and Transit Security Grant Program will be submitted electronically to DHS-FEMA through Applications for the Fire Station Construction Grant Program will be submitted electronically at Full guidance and more information on preparedness grant programs can be found at


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