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Hydraulic Modeling of Ozarks Stream Habitats

Figure 3.2Contour plots of bivariate distributions of depth and velocity at different discharges.  Discharges are paired by flow exceedance for the wet and dry climatic scenarios.  Contour lines in the interior of the graphs are isolines of channel area in 50 square meter intervals.  The 300 meter contour line, for example, encircles the depth and velocity conditions that occur over at least 300 square meters of the channel.   This can be illustrated by looking at the graph for a discharge of 12.8 cms.   The 300 meter contour line encircles conditions with a depth of about 1.05-1.15 m and a velocity of ~0.6 m/s; this indicates that at least 300 square meters of the channel have depth and velocity conditions within this range.  The graph also shows that since this is the contour line with the highest value, these conditions are the most common ones over the reach for this discharge.

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USGS-Biological Resources Division, Columbia Environmental Research Center

4200 New Haven Road, Columbia, MO 65201


Last Modification: 02/02/05