Business handshake U.S. and UK Reach Understanding on GPS Patents

The United States and United Kingdom successfully reached an understanding on intellectual property rights that will ensure GPS civil signals remain free and openly available for users worldwide.

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Upcoming Events
Mar 29 Smithsonian Exhibit Opening
Apr 11-14 National Science Teachers Association
Apr 22-25 ION Pacific PNT
Apr 24-25 International Satellite Navigation Forum (Moscow)

External links are provided for information only and do not constitute endorsements by the U.S. government.

Presentations from Recent Conferences and Meetings

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Get Involved!

As a GPS professional, your livelihood depends on the government's continued funding, operation, maintenance, sustainment, and modernization of the Global Positioning System.

It is in your interest to follow and participate in these processes to make sure the government meets your needs. Here are a few ways to do that.