United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Ecological Site Information System     Go to Accessibility Information
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About ESIS

Ecological Site Information System (ESIS)

ESIS is the NRCS repository for ecological site descriptions and for information associated with the collection of forestland and rangeland plot data. ESIS is organized into two applications and associated databases; the Ecological Site Description (ESD) application and the Ecological Site Inventory (ESI) application.   This section, plus the access tab on the right, provides quick access to technical resources and technical guidance for developing and understanding ecological sites.     

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Ecological Site Description (ESD)

Ecological Site Description (ESD)

The ESD application is used to enter, edit and store ecological site information.  Only approved ecological sites for forestland and rangeland are available to the public. Open this section to access approved and non-approved ESD’s.  Entry/Edit privileges are required to access non-approved sites.  Click on MLRA/state of interest, and available ESDs within that MLRA/LRU for the state will be displayed. 

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Forage Suitability Group Descriptions (FSGD)

Forage Suitability Group Descriptions (FSGD)

Forage suitability group descriptions (FSGDs) are interpretive reports which provide a soil and plant science basis for conservation planning where forage crops are grown. FSGDs identify adapted forage species, yearly forage production estimates, and distribution of production during the growing season. Open this section to access approved and non-approved FSGD’s.  Click on MLRA/state of interest, and available FSGD’s within that MLRA/LRU for the state will be displayed. 

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ESI Selector

Ecological Site Inventory (ESI)

The Ecological Site Inventory (ESI) application provides the capability to enter, edit, and retrieve rangeland, forestry, and agro-forestry plot data. ESI stores plot data collected via the Soil-Woodland Correlation Field Data Sheet (ECS-005), the Windbreak-Soil-Species Evaluation Data Sheet (ECS-004) and the Production and Composition Record (RANGE-417).   To access ESI information, open this section or click on either the Forest or the Rangeland, “button” to the left.


Ecological Site Inventory - Forestland Ecological Site Inventory - Rangeland