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The National Marine Mammal Laboratory has created a movie to give a visual representation of the complex problems facing Steller sea lions today, and the way we use technology to study them.

The movie runs for 10.5 minutes. To watch the movie you will need the free Real One Player. If you do not already have this player installed on your machine you can download the free player from this link. Real One Player

If you have a broadband or DSL connection you can watch the streamed movie by clicking on the image to the right!

movie title:Steller Sea Lion Employing Technology for Conservation

If you do not have a broadband or DSL connection you can watch the streamed movie by clicking on the image to the right!

movie title:Steller Sea Lion Employing Technology for Conservation

Movie Credits

Produced by
The U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's
Pribilof Islands Restoration Project
Seattle, Washington

Produced in cooperation with
The U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's
National Marine Mammal Laboratory,
The Alaska Fisheries Science Center,
The Resource Assessment and Conservation
Engineering Division,
Resource Ecology and Fisheries
Management Division,
Natural Resources Consultants, Inc.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game for
Underwater Dive Capture Technique
of Steller Sea Lions

Funded by
The National Marine Mammal Laboratory
The Alaska Ecosystems Program

Executive Producer
John Lindsay

Tom Loughlin

Associate Producer
Joe Fesalbon
DeAnna Morris

Rolf Ream
Kate Call

3-D Animation
Cole Sones

DeAnna Morris

3-D Data Visualization
Robert Aquirre

Sea Lion Telemetry Data
Jeremy Sterling
Brian Fadely
Bruce Robson

Graphic Design
DeAnna Morris

Sound Mixer
Joe Fesalbon
DeAnna Morris

Post-Production Editing
DeAnna Morris

Web Design/Content
Keith Brenden
Angie Greig
Bruce Robson
Jan Benson

Impact Music
Tom Lahore

Special Thanks:

Still Photography,
Courtesy of Paul Nicklen

Anthony Rossano,
Animation Assistance

M/V Tiglax
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Captain and Crew

Topography, Bathymetry,
The National Ocean Service
Hydrographic Survey, and the
National Geophysical Data Center

Jim Pfeiffenberger,
Alaska SeaLife Center

Barbara Phillips

Phyllis Stabeno

Brian Voss


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