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Resource Ecology and Ecosystem Modeling:  Recent Publications

  • Attributes of the Eastern Chukchi Sea Food Web With Comparisons to Three Northern Marine Ecosystems.
    WHITEHOUSE, A. 2012. Attributes of the Eastern Chukchi Sea Food Web With Comparisons to Three Northern Marine Ecosystems. AFSC Quarterly Report Feature (October-November-December 2012) 7 p. (.pdf, 1.06 MB).  Online.
  • Beyond the defaults: Functional response parameter space and ecosystem-level fishing thresholds in dynamic food web model simulations.
    GAICHAS, S. K., G. ODELL, K. Y. AYDIN, and R. C. FRANCIS. 2012. Beyond the defaults: Functional response parameter space and ecosystem-level fishing thresholds in dynamic food web model simulations. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 69:2077–2094.  
  • Resource partitioning among Myoxocephalus sculpins, and their predator–prey relationships with Chionoecetes crabs in the eastern Bering Sea.
    TENBRINK, T. T., and T. W. BUCKLEY. 2012. Resource partitioning among Myoxocephalus sculpins, and their predator–prey relationships with Chionoecetes crabs in the eastern Bering Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 464:221–235. 
  • Assembly rules for aggregate-species production models: Simulations in support of management strategy evaluation.
    GAICHAS, S., R. GAMBLE, M. FOGARTY, H. BENOÎT, T. ESSINGTON, C. FU, M. KOEN-ALONSO, and J. LINK. 2012. Assembly rules for aggregate-species production models: Simulations in support of management strategy evaluation. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 459:275-292. 
  • Factors influencing cannibalism and abundance of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, 1982-2006.
    BOLDT, J. L., T. W. BUCKLEY, C. N. ROOPER, and K. AYDIN. 2012. Factors influencing cannibalism and abundance of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, 1982-2006. Fish. Bull, U.S. 110:293-306. (.pdf, 2.37 MB).  Online.
  • Age determination of the yellow Irish lord: Management implications as a result of new estimates of maximum age.
    HUTCHINSON, C. E., and T. T. TENBRINK. 2011. Age determination of the yellow Irish lord: Management implications as a result of new estimates of maximum age. N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 31:1116-1122. 
  • Diet of nineteen mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of Alaska.
    YANG, M-S. 2011. Diet of nineteen mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of Alaska. U. S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-229, 67 p. (.pdf, 827 KB).  Online.
  • Climate forcing and the California Current ecosystem.
    KING, J. R., V. N. AGOSTINI, C. J. HARVEY, G. A. McFARLANE, M. G. G. FOREMAN, J. E. OVERLAND, E. Di LORENZO, N. A. BOND, and K. Y. AYDIN. 2011. Climate forcing and the California Current ecosystem. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 68:1199-1216. 
  • Experience with quantitative ecosystem assessment tools in the northeast Pacific.
    HOLLOWED, A. B., K. Y AYDIN, T. ESSINGTON, J. N. IANELLI, B. A. MEGREY, A. E. PUNT, and A. D. M. SMITH. 2011. Experience with quantitative ecosystem assessment tools in the northeast Pacific. Fish Fish. 12:189-208. 
  • Alaska marine fisheries management: Advances and linkages to ecosystem research.
    LIVINGSTON, P. A., K. AYDIN, J. L. BOLDT, A. B. HOLLOWED, and J. M. NAPP. 2011. Alaska marine fisheries management: Advances and linkages to ecosystem research. Chapter 3, p. 113-152. In A. Belgrano and C. W. Fowler (editors), Ecosystem-based Management for Marine Fisheries: an Evolving Perspective. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Additional recent publications

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