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 What's New on HUDCLIPS

The "What's New on HUDCLIPS" web page provides a detailed listing of all the new or updated content that has been posted on HUDCLIPS within the last 30 days. HUD continues to enhance HUDCLIPS to create a more positive experience for the user. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email them to

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FRMS HUD-2554 Supplementary Conditions of the Contract for Construction
FRMS HUD-52580 Inspection Checklist Housing Choice Voucher Program
FRMS HUD-52580-A Inspection Form Housing Choice Voucher Program
FRMS HUD-2530 Previous Participation Certification (Word version)
FR13 FR-5687-N-06 Notice of Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request: Section 811 Project Rental Assistance for Persons With Disabilities
FR13 FR-5683-N-14 Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Border Community Capital Initiative
FR13 FR-5690-N-03 Notice of Proposed Information Collection for Public Comment; Section 901 Implementation
FR13 FR 5684-N-02 Notice of Proposed Information Collection for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 Public Comment Request
FR13 FR-5687-N-05 Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; Application and Re-Certification Packages for Approval of Nonprofit Organization in FHA Activities
FR13 FR-5687-N-04 Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; Funds Authorization
FR13 FR-5681-N-08 Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless
MLTR 2013-07 HUD Office of Multifamily Development Radon Policy (Repost)
HSGN 2013-03 HUD Office of Multifamily Development Radon Policy (Repost)
MLTR 2013-08 Hurricane Sandy/Superstorm Response - Expedited Processing for FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Applications (Repost)
FR13 FR-5508-F-02 Implementation of the Fair Housing Act's Discriminatory Effects Standard
FR13 FR-5681-N-07 Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless
FR13 FR-5683-C-11 Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Correction
FR13 FR-5687-N-03 Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request Delegated Processing for Certain 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Projects
MLTR 2013-08 Hurricane Sandy/Superstorm Response - Expedited Processing for FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Applications
HSGN 2013-05 Hurricane Sandy/Superstorm Response - Expedited Processing for FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Applications
FR13 FR-5450-N-04 Federal Housing Administration (FHA): PowerSaver Home Energy Retrofit Loan Pilot Program: Extension of Pilot Program
FR13 FR-5683-N-13 Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Family Self-Sufficiency Program Demonstration
FR13 FR-5613-N-06-C Privacy Act of 1974; New System of Records, Office of General Counsel EDiscovery Management System: Republication of System Description and Solicitation of Comment
FRMS HUD-92541 Builder's Certification of Plans, Specifications, and Site
HSGN 2013-04 Fiscal Year 2013 Interest Rate for Section 202 and Section 811 Capital Advance Projects
FR13 FR-5681-N-06 Federal Property Suitable as Facilities to Assist the Homeless
FR13 FR-5683-N-11 Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB HOME Investment Partnerships Program
PIHN 2013-06 Radon Information for PIH Programs
FR13 FR-5457-P-01 Streamlining Inspection and Warranty Requirements for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Single-Family Mortgage Insurance: Removal of the FHA Inspector Roster and of the Ten- Year Protection Plan Requirements for High Loan-to-Value Ratio Mortgages
FR13 FR-5500-FA-18 Announcement of Funding Awards, HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 and 2012
FR13 FR-5683-N-12 Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB HUD Lead Hazard Control Grantees Regarding Their Use of Healthy Homes Supplemental Funding
FR13 FR-5680-N-01 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Risk Management Initiatives: Changes to Maximum Loan-to-Value Financing Solicitation of Comment
FR13 FR-5693-N-02 Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Republication to Delete and Update Privacy Act System of Records Notifications
MLTR 2013-07 HUD Office of Multifamily Development Radon Policy
HSGN 2013-03 HUD Office of Multifamily Development Radon Policy
FRMS HUD-4042 Request & Authorization of HUD Virtual University
FR13 FR-5681-N-05 Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless
FR13 FR-5695-N-01 Request for Comment on the Redesign of the American Housing Survey
MLTR 2013-06 Extension of Disaster Moratorium and Suspension of Evictions for Specified Properties Impacted by Hurricane Sandy
MLTR 2013-05 Manual Underwriting for Loans with Decision Credit Score Below 620 and Total Fixed Payments to Effective Income Ratio Exceeding 43.00%
FRMS HUD-5370 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Public and Indian Housing (Updated expiration date)
PIHN 2013-05 Extension --Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable Housing under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA)
MLTR 2013-04 Revision of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) policies concerning cancellation of the annual Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) and increase to the annual MIP
MLTR 2013-03 Extension of Implementation Date for Mortgagee Letter 2012-22, Revisions to FHA's Loss Mitigation Home Retention Options
HSGN 2013-02 Collection Procedures for Delinquent Section 201 Flexible Subsidy Loans
FR13 FR-5600-FA-09 Housing Choice Voucher Program; Office of Public and Indian Housing Announcement of Funding Awards for Fiscal Year 2012
MLTR 2013-02 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program - Amended Late Request for Endorsement Procedures
MLTR 2013-01 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program - Consolidation of Pricing Options and Principal Limit Factors for Fixed Interest Rate Mortgages Mortgagee Letters
HSGN 2013-01 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program - Consolidation of Pricing Options and Principal Limit Factors for Fixed Interest Rate Mortgages
PIHN 2013-04 Guidance on Verification of Excluded Income