Igniting Africa’s Tech Revolution

This Ugandan entrepreneur receives financing to expand his business courtesy of USAID's Development Credit Authority, a sponsor of DEMO Africa. [Photo by Morgana Wingard]

About the Author: Stephanie Grosser serves as a Program Analyst at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The recent growth of tech start-ups in sub-Saharan Africa is starting to create a buzz.

And what’s not to be excited about? Tech companies created in Africa, by Africans, to address local and global problems have untold potential to change the world. After judging a recent Global Innovations in Science and Technology boot camp in West Africa, venture capitalist Scott Hartley said, “Providing guidance for the top one percent of innovators likely improves the lives of the 99 percent.”

Personal computer usage in Africa is exceptionally low at two percent and Internet penetration is only about 14 percent. However, with indications that tech start-ups, tech… more »

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