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Image Library
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Secrets of the Gulf Expedition    Monitoring
Manta Catalog


Stunning visual images of the Flower Garden Banks are regularly captured by staff, volunteers, and recreational divers. Some of these images are available directly through our online image gallery pages listed below. Others are scattered throughout our website.

If you are looking for something in particular, try typing key words in the search box in the left column, below the navigation buttons. Then, select the images option on the results page to narrow down the selection to just photos.

Photos on our website are posted in low resolution, but most images are also available in higher resolution if you just click to open them in a new window.

Still other images are part of a larger National Marine Sanctuaries Marine Life Collection. This includes the Media Library with thousands of downloadable, high-resolution photos from across the sanctuary system, as well as the Sanctuary Encyclopedia with facts, figures and information for about one hundred animals in each sanctuary.

Use the navigation buttons across the top of this page or the links below to visit the different sections of the Image Library.



  • Video footage of fish, invertebrates, sea turtles, sharks, rays, coral spawning, and more



  • Small collection of monitoring photos from Stetson Bank


  • Photos from the beginning of the expedition on land to shipboard activities, to ROV images.
  • Unique underwater features such as the brine seep at East Flower Garden Bank, mud volcanos, and deep reef habitat


  • Treasures of NOAA's Ark Exhibit 2012
  • Red Hat Day 2012
  • Ocean Discovery Day 2012
  • Down Under, Out Yonder Workshop 2011
  • NOSB Field Trip 2011
  • Ocean Discovery Day 2011
  • Ed the Bear Visits FGBNMS 2010
  • Ocean Discovery Day 2010
  • Galveston ArtWalk 2010
  • Hurricane Ike 2008
  • R/V Manta Dedication in Galveston, TX
  • R/V Manta Shakedown Cruise in Bellingham, WA
  • Construction of the R/V Manta
  • Ocean Discovery Day 2008
  • Wildlife Expo 2007 photos
  • Ocean Discovery Day 2007

Check back with us regularly to see what we've added. Maps, graphics, photographs, and video clips of habitats, people, creatures, and events will be just a click away. Take the plunge and see more of these underwater treasures!

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Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves