Celebrating 100 Years of Girl Power: Engaging Young Women To Take Action

Troop 1822 Brownie Scouts in a north Raleigh neighborhood on Jan. 24, 2009. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Zeenat Rahman serves as Special Adviser for Global Youth Issues.

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the 2012 Girls’ World Forum in my home town of Chicago. This exciting event, hosted by the Girl Scouts of the USA, brought together member organizations of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) in the last of three events that began in the United Kingdom in 2010 to celebrate the centenary of international Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting. There were over 500 girls ages 14-18 who joined from around the world to discuss global issues and commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of the USA. This five-day program was developed by an all-girl planning committee.

I met with nearly 300 girls and young women in a series of listening sessions. These inspiring young people shared with me the “take action” plans they’ve created to implement project plans in their home countries. All of the “take action”… more »

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