September 2011
86 posts
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Secretary Clinton To Participate in Senior-Level...
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Paris, France, September 1 to participate in a senior-level meeting of the Contact Group on Libya. The Paris meeting will build on the productive Libya Contact Group meeting in Istanbul on August 25 and will provide the international community with an opportunity to further coordinate our financial and political support for the TNC.  The...
Sep 1st
19 notes
August 2011
118 posts
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Deputy Secretary of State Tom Nides delivers keynote remarks at a forum on “A Unified Security Budget for the United States” at the Center for American Progress on August 31, 2011.
Aug 31st
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“African Solutions for African Problems”
About the Authors: Michael Battle serves as U.S. Ambassador to the African Union and the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa, and Ertharin Cousin serves as U.S. Representative to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Agencies in Rome. We congratulate the African Union (AU) for calling together African Nations to demonstrate their support as partners with the international community to address the...
Aug 31st
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Ten Things You Should Know About the State...
About the Author: Thomas R. Nides serves as Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. Do you ever wonder what the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) do every day and what it means for you? In the eight months since I joined the State Department, I’ve learned firsthand about the important and wide ranging work done by the women...
Aug 31st
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Aug 31st
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President and First Lady Obama Send Eid Greetings...
More: White House Blog — President Obama Hosts an Iftar Dinner to Celebrate Ramadan | Video On August 30, 2011, President Barack Obama issued a statement on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. President Obama said: “Michelle and I would like to send Eid greetings to Muslim communities in the United States and around the world. Ramadan has been a time for families and communities to share the...
Aug 31st
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Did you know that the U.S. helped 40+ countries clear millions of square meters of landmines in 2010? Learn more:
Aug 30th
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The Untapped Power of the Somali Diaspora
About the Author: Donald Y. Yamamoto serves as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. With famine spreading across the Horn of Africa, the Somali-American diaspora isn’t just watching the images fan across the television, they’re organizing themselves into action. More than 100,000 Somali-Americans reside in the United States and their deep communal ties...
Aug 30th
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Libya: Securing Stockpiles Promotes Security
Libya has been a country of proliferation concern and attention by the United States for many years. Since the beginning of the crisis in Libya this year, the United States has focused on the potential that increased insecurity on the ground could increase proliferation risks, including with the country’s remaining stockpiles of uranium, chemical agents, and conventional weapons. We have...
Aug 29th
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DipNote: The Week in Review
About the Author: Sarah Goldfarb serves as DipNote’s Associate Editor. On August 22, 2011, President Barack Obama delivered remarks on the situation in Libya. In a statement, the President said, “…The momentum against the Qadhafi regime has reached a tipping point.” The President continued, “… The Qaddafi regime is coming to an end, and the future of Libya is in the...
Aug 29th
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Hurricane #Irene Facilities Update: For facilities outside the National Capital Region, check
Aug 29th
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Aug 27th
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#SecClinton: U.S. will stand w/ Libyan people in weeks & months ahead as they write the next chapter in their history.
Aug 26th
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Secretary Clinton: "U.S. Will Stand With the...
Today, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a statement on the situation in Libya. Secretary Clinton addressed her conversation with the Chair of the Transitional National Council, Mustafa Mohammed Abdul Jalil, and the release of of $1.5 billion in Libyan assets that had been frozen in the United States. The Secretary said: “The events in Libya this week have heartened the...
Aug 26th
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Unfreezing Assets to Meet the Critical...
Fact Sheet  Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC August 25, 2011 The UN Security Council’s Libya Sanctions Committee approved a U.S. proposal to unfreeze $1.5 billion of Libyan assets to be used to provide critical humanitarian and other assistance to the Libyan people. The U.S. request to unfreeze Libyan assets is divided into three key portions: Transfers to International Humanitarian...
Aug 26th
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U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing by Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, August 25, 2011.
Aug 26th
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Two-Week Ceasefire in Sudan
Press Statement Victoria Nuland Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC August 25, 2011 This week’s announcement by the Government of Sudan to establish a two-week unilateral ceasefire in Sudan’s Southern Kordofan state is a positive initial step toward bringing stability and relief to those affected by violence since early June. The United States strongly urges the...
Aug 26th
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Deputy Secretary Burns Leads U.S. Delegation to...
Spokesperson Victoria Nuland released a statement on the Istanbul Meetings on August 25, 2011. Spokesperson Nuland said: “Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns led the U.S. delegation to the August 25 Libya Contact Group meeting in Istanbul, where representatives from 28 countries, the UN, EU, NATO, AU, OIC, Arab League and GCC came together to demonstrate the international community’s...
Aug 26th
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A Message to U.S. Citizens About Hurricane and...
More: FEMA Hurricane Preparedness | August 23 Travel Warning — The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands U.S. citizens traveling to storm-prone regions during hurricane and typhoon season should carefully consider the potential dangers and inconveniences associated with their travel before finalizing plans. Even inland areas far from the coastline can experience destructive winds,...
Aug 26th
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Aug 25th
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Liberian Women Lead a Revolution in Agriculture
About the Author: Ambassador Ertharin Cousin serves as U.S. Representative to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Agencies in Rome. As we continue to respond to the heartbreaking crisis in the Horn of Africa, it’s important to keep in mind that we are able to apply some lessons learned from our long term commitment to relief and development work elsewhere in Africa. The key, it seems to me,...
Aug 25th
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Innovating in Afghanistan
About the Author: Dr. Rajiv Shah is the Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development. In 2002, fewer than 200,000 people in Afghanistan had access to telephones. Today, some 15 million Afghans use mobile phones and a full 85 percent of the population lives within the combined network coverage of the four major telcos. This technological leap connects Afghans to each other and...
Aug 25th
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World Summit Celebrates People of African Descent...
About the Author: Zakiya Carr-Johnson serves as Senior Advisor to the Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inclusion Unit in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. A warm “Buiti achuluruni” was the Garifuna welcome for the more than 1,000 participants who traveled to La Ceiba, Honduras, to attend the first World Summit of African Descendants. The World Summit of African Descendants:...
Aug 24th
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U.S., Kenya and UNHCR Work Together To Assist...
About the Author: Bryan Schaaf serve as a program officer in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). He is currently coordinating PRM’s assistance to international organizations and NGOs in Dadaab, Kenya. Due to conflict and famine, over 235,000 refugees fled Somalia from January to June of this year alone. Over half have come to Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camp,...
Aug 24th
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Secretary Clinton Releases a Statement on the...
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton released a statement on the Human Rights Council’s Special Session on Syria on August 23, 2011. Secretary Clinton said: “I congratulate the Human Rights Council for its work to create an international independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate the deteriorating human rights situation in Syria and to make clear the world’s...
Aug 24th
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Aug 24th
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RT @whitehouse: President Obama: The Qaddafi regime is coming to an end & the future of #Libya is in the hands of its people: http://t.c …
Aug 23rd
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President Obama Delivers Remarks on the Situation...
President Barack Obama delivered remarks on Libya on August 22, 2011. President Obama said, “…The situation is still very fluid. There remains a degree of uncertainty and there are still regime elements who pose a threat. But this much is clear: The Qaddafi regime is coming to an end, and the future of Libya is in the hands of its people.” The President continued,...
Aug 22nd
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U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing with Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, August 22, 2011.
Aug 22nd
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Ambassador Donahoe: The Syrian People Cannot Wait
Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe, U.S. Representative to the Human Rights Council, delivered a statement at the Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic on August 22, 2011. Ambassador Donahoe said: “For the second time this year, we join a special session on the human rights situation in Syria to make clear the international...
Aug 22nd
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A 'Tipping Point' in Libya
President Barack Obama released the following statement on events in Libya: “Tonight, the momentum against the Qadhafi regime has reached a tipping point. Tripoli is slipping from the grasp of a tyrant. The Qadhafi regime is showing signs of collapsing. The people of Libya are showing that the universal pursuit of dignity and freedom is far stronger than the iron fist of a dictator....
Aug 22nd
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President Obama: The TNC should continue to demonstrate the leadership that is necessary to steer #Libya through a transition.
Aug 22nd
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The Week in Review
About the Author: Luke Forgerson serves as DipNote’s Managing Editor. On August 18, 2011, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called on President Bashar al-Asad of Syria to step aside for the sake of the Syrian people. Secretary Clinton said: “For months, the world has borne witness to the Asad regime’s contempt for its own people. In peaceful...
Aug 22nd
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Detained Americans Sentenced in Iran
Today, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton released the following statement:  “We are deeply disappointed that Iranian judicial authorities have sentenced Shane Bauer and Joshua Fattal to eight years in prison. We continue to call and work for their immediate release — it is time for them to return home and be reunited with their families. I join President Obama and the people...
Aug 22nd
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100 ways you can help those affected by drought in the #HornofAfrica: via @USAID #HoAcrisis
Aug 21st
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On World Humanitarian Day, 100 Ways You Can Help...
About the Author: Nancy Lindborg serves as Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance at the U.S. Agency for International Development. Today is World Humanitarian Day. Reaching out to those suffering from crisis and disaster is a fundamental human impulse and a deeply enshrined American value. It is a value we share with people around the globe. It is the silver...
Aug 20th
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Bombing in Pakistan
Press Statement Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State  Washington, DC August 19, 2011 The United States strongly condemns today’s attack on scores of innocent Pakistanis in northwest Pakistan. The slaughter of worshipers as they gathered at a mosque for Ramadan’s Friday prayers underscores the brutality of those who would target civilians during a time of celebration and...
Aug 20th
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Secretary Clinton Honors Sacrifice of Aid Workers...
More: Statement by White House Press Secretary | Full-Size Map On this third annual World Humanitarian Day, the United States joins the international community in honoring the courage and commitment of aid workers around the world. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton released a statement in recognition of this day. Secretary Clinton said: “In situations of conflict and instability...
Aug 20th
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Text AID to 27722 to give $10 to help those affected by the #HornofAfrica crisis. #Somalia #HoAcrisis #Dadaab @WFPUSA
Aug 19th
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U.S. Contributes to Multilateral Effort To Combat...
About the Author: Krysten Carrera is a Presidential Management Fellow at the National Cancer Institute. She presently serves in the Department of State’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO). Typically, cooking at home involves an electric or gas stove, a microwave, or an oven. For nearly 3 billion people mostly in developing countries, however, old and inefficient stoves in...
Aug 19th
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Renovations to Women’s Hospital in Pakistan Bring...
About the Author: Siobhan Oat-Judge serves as Acting Spokesperson at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. Medical personnel at Fatima Jinnah Hospital in Multan demonstrated the benefits that new equipment and trainings opportunities have made to their standard of care on Thursday, August 18, as U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director Andrew Sisson toured the...
Aug 19th
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Aug 19th
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More: White House Blog | Treasury Statements on Sanctions Today, President Obama called for the President of Syria, Bashar al-Asad, to step aside and took the strongest financial action against the Syrian regime thus far. Following the President’s statement, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the situation in Syria. Secretary Clinton said, “For months, the world...
Aug 18th
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RT @whitehouse: Happening now: President Obama’s town hall on the #economy in Alpha, IL. Watch on wh: & fb: http://t …
Aug 18th
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Partnering To Address Global Energy Issues Through...
About the Author: Jim Thompson serves as Deputy Special Representative for Global Partnerships in the Global Partnership Initiative within the Office of the Secretary of State. Through LAUNCH, the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), NASA, and NIKE, Inc. are partnering to identify, showcase and support innovators poised for potential large-scale impact on...
Aug 18th
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National Defense University hosts a conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta on August 16, 2011.
Aug 16th
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U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing by Spokesperson Victoria Nuland on August 16, 2011.
Aug 16th
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New Roads in South Sudan
About the Author: About the Author: Sarah Armstrong serves as a Development, Outreach, and Communications Officer at USAID’s Mission in South Sudan. Western Equatoria State, being one of the largest states in South Sudan and commonly referred to as “the bread basket of Sudan,” is starting the long climb back to its former productivity, with small farmers producing surplus farm...
Aug 16th
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U.S. Research Collaboration Targets Breast Cancer...
About the Author: About the Author: Krysten Carrera is a Presidential Management Fellow at the National Cancer Institute. She presently serves in the Department of State’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO). Dr. Jorge Gomez of the National Cancer Institute is on the front lines of the growing international effort to address the threat of chronic non-communicable diseases...
Aug 16th
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National Defense University To Host...
On Tuesday, August 16, the National Defense University will host a conversation with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta moderated by Frank Sesno, Director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University. The conversation will take place at approximately 10:30 a.m. The conversation will take place at the National Defense...
Aug 15th
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