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Training and Education - Calendar FY2012

Program Calendars: FY2012 FY2011 FY2010

October 2011

  • Oct. 3, International IP Symposium for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in India
  • Oct. 17, Industry Consultation on "MIB's Task Force Recommendations on Piracy" in India
  • Oct. 5, USPTO PM Community of Practice at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct. 11, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer in the United States at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct. 14, Department of State IVLP: Best Practices in the Reporting of IPR Issues at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct. 17-21, Patent Examiners Exchange Program with RosPatent at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct. 18, International Judicial Academy Seminar:  Government Regulation and Justice at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct.19-20, USPTO/UNECE Program "The Strategic Use of Intellectual Property - A Key Tool for the Economic and Social Development of the Country" at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct. 19, IP and Business in the Global Marketplace: USG Resources for Asian American and Pacific Islander SMEs at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct. 24-25, Madrid Protocol and Trademark Law Treaty/Singapore Treaty on Law of Trademarks Training in Colombia
  • Oct. 31, Cardozo SIPO Program 2011 at USPTO Headquarters
  • Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, Advanced Judicial Seminar on IP Enforcement in Thailand


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November 2011

  • Nov. 1-2, Advanced Judicial Education Seminar on Criminal Adjudication and Enforcement of Intellectual Property in Thailand
  • Nov. 3-4, Advanced Workshop for Law Enforcement Investigators and Public Prosecutors on Criminal Enforcement of IP (with USDOJ-IPCEN IV) in Thailand
  • Nov. 7-10, Russia/CIS Judicial Study Visit for Russian Judges (Part 1) at USPTO Headquarters
  • Nov. 7-18, Advanced Workshop and Study Tour Program for Law Enforcement Investigators and Public Prosecutors on Criminal Enforcement of IP at USPTO Headquarters
  • Nov. 9-11, Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting Forum in South Africa
  • Nov. 10, Study Visit: Intellectual Property Office of Guangzhou Municipality at USPTO Headquarters
  • Nov. 10-11, INNORPI/USPTO Office to Office Program in Tunisia
  • Nov. 14-15, IP Program in Algeria
  • Nov. 15-18, 2012 Patent Statistics for Decision Makers at USPTO Headquarters
  • Nov. 16-18, Intellectual Property Crime Training in Burkina Faso
  • Nov. 17-18, GIPA Geographical Indications Program in Cameroon
  • Nov. 28 - Dec. 1, PCT ISA/IPEA at USPTO Headquarters
  • Nov. 29 -30, INL-Funded Tri-Border & 2 Border IP Enforcement Training Program in Brazil

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December 2011

  • Dec. 1, Annual Intellectual Property Empowerment Summit at USPTO Headquarters
  • Dec. 5-7, Trademark Trilateral at USPTO Headquarters
  • Dec. 6-9, KIPO IP Researchers Program at USPTO Headquarters
  • Dec. 8, Lecture - "Global Diffusion of New Drugs: The Role of Patent Policy, Price Controls and Institutions" at USPTO Headquarters
  • Dec. 8-14, NRF Patent Specialist Program at USPTO Headquarters
  • Dec. 15, NSA Program at USPTO Headquarters


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January 2012

  • Jan. 11-13, ASEAN-USPTO Workshop on Trademark Examination in Cambodia
  • Jan. 17-19, Survey of IPR Courts at USPTO headquarters
  • Jan. 19-24, IPAC and IP Program at the International Music Products Association Annual Meeting at Newport Beach and Anaheim, California

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February 2012

  • Feb. 2, Seoul National University School of Law at USPTO headquarters

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March 2012

  • Mar. 6-9, Patent Examination Program at the USPTO Headquarters
  • Mar. 6-8, IP and Innovation Conference and Workshop in Hungary
  • Mar. 27-30, Madrid Protocol Implementation and Administration Program at USPTO Headquarters

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April 2012

  • Apr. 9-11, Regional IPR Enforcement Workshop on Combating the Threat of Counterfeit Medicine in Jordan
  • Apr. 23-27, UPOV Train the Trainers at the USPTO Headquarters

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May 2012

  • May 3-5, Patents, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference
  • May 7-11, WIPO Program at the USPTO Headquarters
  • May 14-18, USPTO-GCC Patent Program at Saudi Arabia

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June 2012

  • Jun. 26-29, GIPA Copyright Program at the USPTO Headquarters
  • Jun. 26-29, GIPA Enforcement Program at the USPTO Headquarters

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July 2012

  • Jul. 16-20, IP Management and Technology Licensing at the USPTO Headquarters

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Other Resources for Training

  • Global Intellectual Property Education - Training Database: Welcome to the Global Intellectual Property Education Database (, maintained by agencies of the United States Government who provide training and technical assistance related to protecting intellectual property rights.


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The Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA) offers capacity building programs in the United States and around the world on intellectual property protection, enforcement, and capitalization. Capacity-building programs are offered to patent, trademark and copyright officials, judges, prosecutors, police, customs officials, foreign policy makers, and rights owners.

The Academy programs are key to accomplishing this vital endeavor. The programs present the U.S. methods for protecting the IP rights of business owners, complying with international IP-related treaty stipulations that protect the IP rights of business owners, and administering patent and trademark examining operations. In delivering capacity building programs the Academy works closely with other United States government agencies, trading partners and international organizations.
United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 1/19/2012 11:39:04 AM