U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna
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U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna

U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna
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  1. This morning I visited Cazenovia High School to speak to an AP Government class. I met up with WRVO radio to discuss some issues.


    The Utica-area congressman says he open to a debate on gun control. "It is the idea that the people co...mmitting these crimes are also maniacs. How do you keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them or use them irresponsibly? That’s the real question."

    Hanna just began his second term in Congress representing the 22nd District, but he says he's not planning on making a second career out of being in Washington.

    "The idea that anybody is indispensable is absolutely wrong headed," he says. "Ideas are indispensable. People are dispensable, in terms of their service and the time they should serve." He says it's important to bring new ideas and perspectives to Congress.

    Hanna will chair a House subcommittee on contracts and workforce, which is under the small business committee. "One of the things I would like to do is open up markets to smaller and smaller companies and make the paperwork less onerous; have more people have access to federal contracts," Hanna says.

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  2. This morning, Congressman Hanna visited Marquardt Switches, a big employer in Cazenovia. It was founded in 1981 and produces automotive systems and applications, power tool switches, appliance switches, snap-action switches and sensors for the American market.

    A great business in Madison County.
    Photo: This morning, Congressman Hanna visited Marquardt Switches, a big employer in Cazenovia. It was founded in 1981 and produces automotive systems and applications, power tool switches, appliance switches, snap-action switches and sensors for the American market.

A great business in Madison County.
  3. I'm pleased to have been named Chairman of the Subcommittee on Contracting and Workforce.

    As Chairman, I will pursue policies that enable American small businesses to do what they do best – compete and create jobs.

    That means making sure our employers have access to a strong, talented workforce and the ability to efficiently contract with their government. Each year our small business owners and employees send hard-earned tax dollars to Washington, so it is only right they have an opportunity to provide those services and goods required by the federal government.

  4. Yesterday, I joined with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to discuss the importance of the Weatherization Assistance Program.

    People in upstate New York face very cold winters and are forced to pay expensive heating bills. Lower-income hous...eholds in often spend more than 10 percent of their monthly income on heating and electricity. That’s why I support efforts like the Weatherization Assistance Program, which increase home efficiency and reduce energy bills over the long-term.

    Thanks to Tioga Opportunities Inc. for hosting us. Click the link below to watch WENY TV's report on the event.
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  5. I had a great visit to Binghamton University today to meet with President Harvey Stenger and tour the campus.

    BU is a great educational and economic asset to Broome County and I look forward to supporting the University through my efforts in Congress.
    Photo: I had a great visit to Binghamton University today to meet with President Harvey Stenger and tour the campus.  

BU is a great educational and economic asset to Broome County and I look forward to supporting the University through my efforts in Congress.
  6. I enjoyed chatting with Cortland High School's AP Government class early this morning. I hope they did too - they asked great questions!
    Photo: I enjoyed chatting with Cortland High School's AP Government class early this morning.  I hope they did too - they asked great questions!
  7. Small business owner confidence crept up slightly in the latest National Federation of Independent Business report - but it is still far too low.

    I'm looking forward to working on the Small Business Committee to help give owners the confidence and certainty they need from Washington to expand and hire in our community.

  8. I voted Yes on H.R. 41, to temporarily increase the borrowing authority of FEMA for carrying out the Flood Insurance Program.
    The legislation, of which I am a cosponsor, would – temporarily – increase the borrowing authority of the Federa...
  9. House Speaker John Boehner administered a ceremonial oath of office to me this afternoon in the Capitol.

    My wife, Kim, and daughter, Grace, join us here. We lost my son, Emerson, who snuck behind us, but you can see his shoes.

    I'm looking forward to serving the new 22nd District of New York.
    Photo: House Speaker John Boehner administered a ceremonial oath of office to me this afternoon in the Capitol.  

My wife, Kim, and daughter, Grace, join us here.  We lost my son, Emerson, who snuck behind us, but you can see his shoes.

I'm looking forward to serving the new 22nd District of New York.
  10. Today I took the oath of office on the floor of the House to serve New York’s new 22nd Congressional District. The district includes all of Chenango, Cortland, Madison and Oneida counties, and parts of Broome, Herkimer, Oswego and Tioga counties.

    It is a privilege to serve the new 22nd Congressional District of New York. I am committed to serving the best interests of all citizens in the eight ...counties of our district.

    Through transparent decision making and increased accessibility, we are committed to the basic belief that this office works for you.

    We remain dedicated to assisting constituents and working hard on your behalf to promote fiscally responsible policies that help make upstate New York a place of opportunity and prosperity.
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  11. I voted Yes on the Senate amendment to H.R. 8, the American Taxpayer Relief Act.
    On January 1, 2013, the 2001 and 2003 Bush-era tax cuts temporarily expired for all American taxpayers regardless of income level.  This bill restored the va...
  12. Late last night the House passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act to successfully avoid the fiscal cliff. Here is my statement on the vote:

    “This bill provides tax cuts – permanently – for 99 percent of Americans and virtually all of our constituents in upstate New York. This is a big win for Upstate taxpayers, families, businesses and farms as well as the principles of fiscal responsibility. ...Moving forward, it is important that Congress pursue comprehensive tax reform to make our policies even more simple, fair and competitive.

    “I am pleased that the fiscal cliff has been resolved in a bipartisan manner. This deal was not perfect. There are parts of it with which I don’t agree. But the responsibility of governing requires compromise for the benefit of constituents and country and this vote embodied that notion.

    “I would have preferred to see much more in the way of long-term spending cuts to reduce our immoral national debt, as well as reforms to strengthen our important entitlement programs. The upcoming debt limit, sequestration debate, as well as long-term tax reform will provide us with that opportunity.”
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  13. I voted Yes on the Senate Amendment to H.R. 443, to coney property to the Maniilaq Association located in Kotzebue, Alaska.
    H.R. 443 would convey 8 acres of federal land and three adjacent federally-owned lots in Alaska to the Maniilaq As...
  14. I voted Yes on H.R. 6726, the Congressional Pay Freeze and Fiscal Responsibility Act.
    The bill would extend a current statutory pay freeze for federal civilian employees — including members of Congress — through December 31, 2013.  This l...
  15. I voted Yes on H.R. 4212, the Drywall Safety Act.
    H.R. 4212 would designate a labeling program for drywall and chemical compounds present in drywall as the new national standard for drywall manufactured for import into the United States. ...
  16. I voted Yes on H.R. 6364, the Frank Buckles World War I Memorial Act.
    This bill would establish a World War I Centennial Commission to oversee the planning, development, and execution of activities to commemorate the centennial commemorat...
  17. I voted Yes on H.R. 6612, a bill to redesignate the Dryden Flight Research Center as the Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research Center and the Western Aeronautical Test Range as the Hugh L. Dryden Aeronautical Test Range.
    This bill will pay tr...
  18. I voted Yes on S. 3454, the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013.
    This bill sets funding levels for the services of the 16 agencies that make up the U.S. Intelligence Community.  Funding authorized by this bill will go towa...
  19. The House is debating a bill to block the President’s Executive Order giving a pay raise to members of Congress. I will vote Yes.

    I have never supported a pay raise for Congress - and it is especially irresponsible to increase Congressional pay at this time of high deficits and debt.
  20. Why I voted Yes on S. 3202, the Dignified Burial of Veterans Act.
    The bill would authorize the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide caskets and urns for deceased veterans who do not have an identified next of kin.  The legislati...
  21. Why I voted Yes on the Senate Amendment to H.R. 4057, the Improving Transparency of Education Opportunities for Veterans Act.
    H.R. 4057 would require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide information on educational institutio...
  22. I voted Yes on H.R. 3159, the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act.
    H.R. 3159 would require the president to establish guidelines for federal agencies to measure performance, goals and progress for projects funded by U.S. forei...
  23. I am in Washington and eager to take action to avert the fiscal cliff and protect Upstate families, small businesses and farms from tax increases.

    I have long said that compromise is not treason. Now is the time to come together on a responsible solution to reduce the deficit, while protecting the middle class and giving certainty to the economy.

    I am hopeful that Senate leaders will reach an agreement that can be reviewed and considered quickly in the House.

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