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Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS)
Contact List for Agencies

GWA has assigned a GTAS contact group to each agency. The agency may contact any member of its contact group with questions about GTAS. In addition to the contact groups, the Treasury Support Center is available to answer GTAS questions. The Treasury Support Center phone number and email are listed under the Treasury Support Center tab.

Group A
Name Email Address Telephone No.
Todd Shafer 304-480-5183
Tia Harley 202-874-1916
Russell Blakley 202-874-4189
Stacy Ida (backup) 304-480-7123
Claudia Donovan (backup) 202-874-9783
Rose Ng (backup) 202-874-6466

Group B
Name Email Address Telephone No.
Kim Poling 304-480-5242
Shannon Redding 202-874-1562
Jonnathan Diaz Olivo 202-874-9585
Joseph Wang (backup) 202-874-9887
Damari Disen (backup) 202-874-9885

Group C
Name Email Address Telephone No.
Manoah Geese 304-480-5292
Luke Sheppard 304-480-5104
Kathy Hillsinger 202-874-4151
Michele Crisman 202-874-1439
Carla Lofty (backup) 304-480-8357
Nikcola Yorkshire (backup) 202-874-9873

Group A Agencies
Access Board
Armed Forces Retirement Home (DODCIV)
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Corporation for Travel Promotion
Denali Commission
Department of Agriculture
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban Development, FHA, GNMA
Department of Labor
Department of the Treasury
Election Assistance Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
Farm Credit Administration
Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Drug Control Programs
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
Federal Housing Finance Agency and Federal Housing Finance Board
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Federal Trade Commission
Government Printing Office (LEG)
Indian Law and Order Commission
Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development
Inter-American Foundation (IAP)
International Monetary Programs (IAP)
International Trade Commission
Judicial Branch
Legal Services Corporation
Library of Congress (LEG)
Merit Systems Protection Board
Military Sales Program (IAP)
Multilateral Assistance (IAP)
National Archives and Records Administration
National Capital Planning Commission
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Mediation Board
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Office of Government Ethics
Office of Personnel Management
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund
Social Security Administration
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
United States Enrichment Corporation Fund
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Group B Agencies
Architect of the Capitol (LEG)
Broadcasting Board of Governors
Cemeterial Expenses (DODCIV)
Central Intelligence Agency
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Corporation for National and Community Service
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense--Military Programs
Department of Education
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Educational Benefits (DODCIV)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Executive Office of the President
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Federal Communications Commission
Forest and Wildlife Conservation, Military Reservations (DODCIV)
Government Accountability Office (LEG)
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Intelligence Community Management Account
Military Retirement (DODCIV)
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
National Credit Union Administration
National Labor Relations Board
National Science Foundation
National Transportation Safety Board
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
Presidio Trust
Retiree Health Care (DODCIV)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Selective Service System (DODCIV)
Small Business Administration
Tennessee Valley Authority
Group C Agencies
Administrative Conference of the United States
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
African Development Foundation (IAP)
Agency for International Development (IAP)
American Battle Monuments Commission (DODCIV)
Appalachian Regional Commission
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
Botanic Garden (LEG)
Capitol Police (LEG)
Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation
Commission of Fine Arts
Commission on Civil Rights
Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Congressional Budget Office (LEG)
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Delta Regional Authority
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Justice
Department of the Interior
Department of Veterans Affairs
District of Columbia
Federal Election Commission
Federal Labor Relations Authority
General Services Administration
Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation
International Security Assistance (IAP)
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
Japan-United States Friendship Commission
Legislative Branch Boards and Commissions (LEG)
Marine Mammal Commission
Millennium Challenge Corporation (IAP)
Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Council on Disability
National Railroad Passenger Corporation Office of Inspector General
National Veterans Business Development Corporation
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Northern Border Regional Commission
Office of Compliance (LEG)
Office of Special Counsel
Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects
Other Commissions and Boards
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (IAP)
Peace Corps (IAP)
Postal Service
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Railroad Retirement Board
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board
Smithsonian Institution
Special Assistance Initiatives (IAP)
State Justice Institute
Trade and Development Agency (IAP)
United States Institute of Peace
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
United States Tax Court (LEG)
Vietnam Education Foundation

   Last Updated:  February 01, 2013

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