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U.S. History Topics » Movements » Transportation

Wayfinders: A Pacific Odyssey

is the companion website for a film that features a community of Pacific Islanders as they build sailing canoes and follow the stars on a 2,000-mile voyage across the ocean in the wake of their ancestors. The site includes a wayfinder game, an essay on navigating without instruments, an interview with a wayfinding expert, and a history of the Polynesian people. (PBS Online, National Endowment for the Humanities)

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Interesting Fact:

Wayfinding involves navigating on the open ocean without sextant, compass, clock, radio reports, or satellites reports. The wayfinder depends on observations of the stars, the sun, the ocean swells, and other signs of nature for clues to direction and location of a vessel at sea.
Image of an ancient Polynesian canoe. (Courtesy of Herb Kane.)

Ancient canoe

 This website also appears in:
World Studies »  Countries & Continents »  Other Countries & Continents

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