Diferencias geográficas en la infección por el VIH entre hispanos o latinos en 46 estados y Puerto Rico, 2010

Kevin Fenton CDC

Con motivo del Día Nacional Latino para la Concientización del Sida este 15 de octubre, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades publicaron hoy en el Informe Semanal de Morbilidad y Mortalidad (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report o MMWR) los resultados de un nuevo estudio titulado “Diferencias geográficas en la infección por…

Reflections on NMAC’s Summit to End HIV/AIDS in America


In a post last week, we shared highlights from the Summit to End HIV/AIDS in America, organized by the National Minority AIDS Council   (NMAC). Held prior to the start of the 2012 U.S. Conference on AIDS, also organized by NMAC, the Summit facilitated two days of intensive dialogue among about 150 participants from across…

Stopping the Spread of HIV Among Latinos

Kevin Fenton CDC

In observance of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day on October 15, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released today in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) the results of a new study, “Geographic Differences in HIV Infection Among Hispanics or Latinos — 46 States and Puerto Rico, 2010.” Study authors looked at the…

2012 U.S. Conference on AIDS – Highlights from Day 3

USCA 2012

Editor’s note: This is the final in our series of blog posts sharing highlights from the National Minority AIDS Council’s 2012 U.S. Conference on AIDS.  HIV and aging was the issue in the spotlight at the third day of the annual U.S. Conference on AIDS (USCA). Thanks to effective treatment, the population of people living…

Tracking TB-HIV Coinfection in the United States

Kevin Fenton CDC

A recent tuberculosis (TB) report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that fewer people in the United States have TB disease than in years past. A total of 10,528 TB cases were reported in the United States in 2011, a decrease from 11,171 cases in 2010. Despite this decrease in reported…

Reflections on Social Media: You Can Do This!


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Last week at the 16th annual United States Conference on AIDS (USCA), I had the opportunity to interact with conference participants during two workshops on new media. We worked together to help answer the question posed by President Barack Obama in the Digital Government Strategy: “I want us to ask ourselves every day—how are we…

U.S. Conference on AIDS – More Highlights from Day 2


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At the annual U.S. Conference on AIDS on Monday, Dr. Grant Colfax, Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP), offered a plenary speech on the implementation of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Describing the NHAS as a road map for all public and private stakeholders, he highlighted a number of its key…

U.S. Conference on AIDS – Highlights from Day 2

Dr. Jack Whitescarver

The annual U.S. Conference on AIDS (USCA) continued Monday. Among the highlights was a plenary session that put the spotlight on research for an HIV cure. Advances in HIV Cure Research   The presentation, “Toward a Cure for HIV: The Need for Science, Collaboration, and Advocacy”, was moderated by Dr. Jack Whitescarver, Director of the Office…

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