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Featuring Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers, Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
 Dr. Griffin Rodgers
For information about Dr. Rodgers, see his biography.

Climbing Steps to a Healthier You

Broadcast Dates: Monday, May 30 – Sunday, June 5
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You know the old saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”? Well, when it comes to our health habits, that’s simply not true.

Hi, I’m Dr. Griffin Rodgers, bringing you Healthy Moments from the NIH. I’m the Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

One is never too out of shape, overweight, or old to change one’s habits. So even if you’ve let your body slide, you can still get back on track. Think of gradual changes you can make to improve your diet and physical activity habits. Take these steps:

  • Identify your roadblocks and find ways to overcome them. For example, if you’re short on time, exercise before work, during a lunch break, or before dinner.
  • Make a plan of action that includes small changes that are fun, such as dancing or biking.
  • Stick with your new health habits and don’t get discouraged if you slip up – just keep going.

For more tips, visit our website at NIDDK or MyMajicDC.com Exit Disclaimer This is Dr. Griffin Rodgers. Join me next week for more "Healthy Moments."

Page last updated: May 27, 2011

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