Claude Reed, Mechanical Engineer

Claude Reed

Mechanical Engineer
- Nuclear Engineering

In his 35 years at Argonne, Dr. Reed has led several major and widely diverse technical areas of R&D, including liquid metal MHD (LMMHD) and free-surface LMMHD for fusion applications, liquid lithium “windowless” targets and strippers for the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) applications, materials and corrosion, high-power laser material processing (e.g. laser welding of refractory metal alloys, laser surface treatments and coatings, and laser drilling of rocks), and a NASA Space Power design project.

He is the primary subject matter expert for mechanical and EM pump technology for the resurgent sodium fast reactor work at Argonne. He has written more than 100 publications and reports.

Today, he is recognized as Argonne’s expert on both sodium and lithium alkali metal systems, including engineering, handling, materials compatibility issues, and safety; having written the book chapter “Lithium Safety and Material Compatibility” in Lithium: Technology, Performance and Safety. He also wrote the “Convective Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals” chapter in Handbook of Single Phase Convective Heat Transfer; generally considered the standard handbook in this area.

Awards, Honors & Memberships

  • Tau Beta Pi
  • Sigma Gamma Tau
  • McDonnell Douglas Scholar, Purdue University


  • Claude B. Reed, James J. Sienicki, Yoichi Momozaki, James J. Grudzinski, and David B. Chojnowski, “Progress Report on Initial Fundamental Sodium Freezing and Melting Experiments,” ANL-ARC-243, Argonne National Laboratory, September 30, 2012.
  • Claude B. Reed, James L. Bailey, James J. Sienicki, Yoichi Momozaki and David B. Chojnowski, “Progress Report on Design and Assembly of Fundamental Sodium Drain and Fill Experiments,” ANL-ARC-238, Argonne National Laboratory, August 31, 2012.
  • Claude B. Reed (invited), “Laser Rock Drilling R&D at ANL,” The Gavriel Salvendy Second International Symposium on Frontiers in Industrial Engineering  “Laser and Photonic Systems and Innovations for Better Quality of Life”  May 4-5, 2012 – Purdue University
  • C. B. Reed, J. A. Nolen, Y. Momozaki, and J. R. Specht, D. Chojnowski, et. al., “Thin liquid lithium targets for high power density applications: heavy ion beam strippers and beta beam production”, 4th High Power Targetry Workshop, May 02-06, 2011, Malmö City, Sweden
  • C. B. Reed, J. A. Nolen, Y. Momozaki, and J. R. Specht, D. Chojnowski, et. al., “FRIB Lithium Stripper Thickness and Stability Measurements”, ANL/NE-11/01, February 28, 2011.
  • C. B. Reed, Y. Momozaki, D. Chojnowski, and J. J. Sienicki, “Progress Report on Small-Scale Experiment Designs for the Investigation of Fundamental Phenomena in Compact Sodium Heat Exchangers,” ANL-ARC-210, Argonne National Laboratory, September 31, 2011.
  • J. J. Sienicki, C. B. Reed, S. Majumdar, Y. Momozaki, and B. Size, “Report on Small-Scale Experiment Design for Fundamental Investigation of Sodium Freezing and Thawing Phenomena Relevant to Compact Sodium Heat Exchangers,” ANL-ARC-185, Argonne National Laboratory, March 31, 2011.
  • C. B. Reed, J. A. Nolen, S. Kondrashev, Y. Momozaki, and J. R. Specht, “Development of the Liquid Lithium Thin Film Stripper and its Electron Beam Film Thickness Monitor for FRIB”, Workshop on Stripper and Target Technology for High-Power Heavy-Ion Beams, December 07-08, 2009, Michigan State University.
  • C. B. Reed, J. A. Nolen, Y. Momozaki, J. Specht, J. Bailey, and P. Strons, “Liquid Lithium Windowless Targets for High Power Accelerators”, Workshop on Applications of High Intensity Proton Accelerators WG4: SRF LINAC Driven Subcritical Core, October 20, 2009, Fermi Lab.
  • F. Marti, Y.Momozaki, J. Nolen, C. Reed, A. Hershcovitch, P. Thieberger, “Development of Stripper Options for FRIB”, LINAC10 conference, September 12-17, 2010, Tsukuba-city, Japan.
  • C. B. Reed and J. J. Sienicki “Status Report on the Components Science Laboratory,” ANL-GenIV-175, Argonne National Laboratory, September 30, 2010.
  • J. J. Sienicki and C. B. Reed  “Small-Scale Experiment Concepts for the Investigation of Fundamental Phenomena in Compact Sodium Heat Exchangers,” ANL-GenIV-173, Argonne National Laboratory, September 30, 2010.
  • Yoichi Momozaki, Jerry Nolen, Claude Reed, Vincent Novick, James Specht, “Development of a liquid lithium thin film for use as a heavy ion beam stripper”, Journal of Instrumentation, April 2009.
  • S. Kondrashev, A. Barcikowski, Y. Momozaki, B. Mustapha, J. A. Nolen, P. N. Ostroumov, C.B. Reed, R. H. Scott, “Upgrade of the FRIB Prototype Injector for Liquid Lithium Film Testing”, 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference, May 2009, Vancouver, Canada.
  • C. B. Reed, “Status of Liquid Li R&D in ANL”, invited presentation at design review meeting of the IFMIF/JAEA EVEDA Li loop, held in Tokyo, June 2009.
  • Z. Xu, and C. B. Reed, ”Primary and Secondary Sodium System Welding Technology and Welding Technology Gap Analysis”, ANL/NE/LAL-08-04, September 2008.
  • C. B. Reed, et. al. “Liquid Lithium Thin Film Strippers For High-Power Exotic Beam Facilities”, 7th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, September 8 - 12, 2008.
  • M.T. Farmer, et. al., C. B. Reed, et. al., ”Sodium Fast Reactor Technology Gap Analysis Report”, ANL-ABR-1, (ANL-AFCI-173), September, 2007.
  • C. B. Reed ”Sodium Liquid Metal Fast Reactor Technology Gap Analysis - Primary & Secondary Sodium Pumps”, GNEP Fast Reactor Working Group Meeting, ANL, August 21, 2006.
  • C. B. Reed, et. al. “Engineering and Safety Issues of Lithium Targets and Film Strippers”, 3rd High-Power Targetry Workshop, Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, September 10 - 14, 2007.
  • Y. Momozaki, J. A. Nolen, C. B. Reed, et. al. “Thermal Design Analysis for Liquid Metal Windowless Targets”, 3rd High-Power Targetry Workshop, Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, September 10 - 14, 2007.
  • “Lithium Safety and Material Compatibility” chapter in Lithium: Technology, Performance and Safety, Francisco L. Tabarés ed., Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013.
  • “Convective Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals” chapter in Handbook of Single Phase Convective Heat Transfer, Kakac S., Shan, R. K. and Aung W. eds.,Willy, New York, 1987.