Ghana Compact

Compact Closeout

MCC Helps Sustain Eradication of the Guinea Worm

For ages, Ghanaians who live in the northern parts of Ghana relied on stagnant water for their main drinking supply and risked contract¬ing Guinea worm disease. Learn how MCC’s Ghana Compact helped to ensure long-term eradication of the disease.

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The Life of a Bird’s Eye Chili Pepper

Diners across the world know the Bird’s Eye chili pepper for the distinctive zing it brings to dishes. Members of one Ghanaian farmer-based organization know the pepper as “green gold”—and funding from MCC is helping them turn the crop into a profitable export.

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From a Road to a Highway

With a cross-sector approach to transforming agribusiness development across 30 districts in Ghana, MCC’s $547 million compact undertook and completed one of Ghana’s most significant infrastructure projects: a critical section of the N1 highway.

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In August 2006, the Millennium Challenge Corporation signed a five-year, $547 million compact with the Republic of Ghana aimed at reducing poverty by raising farmer incomes through private sector-led and agribusiness development. MCC investments are intended to increase the production and productivity of high-value cash and food staple crops in some of the poorest regions and enhance the competitiveness of Ghana’s agricultural products in regional and international markets. The compact in Ghana entered into force (EIF) in February 2007, formally initiating the five-year timeline for project implementation.

In early 2009, this compact was modified to better respond to farmer demand for services and increased project costs.

For the most up-to-date information on implementation progress, please read the Quarterly Status Report.

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as of September 30, 2011

  •  Total Grant Value:
  •  Total Amount Committed:
    $537,296,629 (98%)
  •  Total Amount Expended:
    $460,052,883 (84%)
    Expenditures are the sum of cash outlays and quarterly accruals for work completed but not yet paid or invoiced.
  • Signed:
    August 1, 2006
  • Entry into Force:
    February 15, 2007

This project aims to enhance returns from staple food and horticulture crops produced mainly by poor, smallholder farmers and to improve delivery of business and technical services to support the expansion of commercial agriculture.

  • Provide farmer and enterprise training in commercial agriculture;
  • Improve land tenure security and facilitate land market operation;
  • Promote irrigation development;
  • Improve post harvest handling and value chain services;
  • Improve credit services for on-farm and value chain investments; and
  • Rehabilitate secondary/feeder roads.
  • Project Amount: $212,597,378.00

This project complements the Agriculture Project by providing community services of education, water and sanitation, and rural electrification infrastructure in the targeted districts, and by enhancing the capacity of local governments to deliver the related services.

  • Support community services;
  • Strengthen the procurement capacity of the public sector; and
  • Strengthen financial services in rural areas.
  • Project Amount: $73,390,556.00

The poor state of many roads in Ghana are a barrier to achieving sustainable economic growth, inhibiting the expansion of agricultural opportunities by restricting access and linkages to major domestic and international agricultural markets. This project aims to facilitate the growth of agriculture, promote access to social services, and support an expansion of Ghana’s export-directed horticulture base beyond current production.

  • Upgrade sections of National Highway 1 (N1);
  • Improve main/trunk roads; and
  • Improve Lake Volta ferry services.
  • Project Amount: $216,235,347.00