
Reports produced by the Board include Site Representative Weekly Reports, Technical Reports, Staff Issue Reports, and Reports to Congress. All Reports with the exception of Site Representative Weekly Reports and Reports to Congress are published as Letters to the Department of Energy. Reports to Congress are sent as Letters, so they too can be found in Letters and Correspondence.

Site Representative Weekly Reports

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board assigns their own Site Representatives to monitor the safety of ongoing operations at active Defense Nuclear Facilities. These individuals work on-site at active Defense Nuclear Facilities and publish a one-page report every week detailing the week's events, accomplishments and concerns.

Technical Reports

Some Recommendations include an attached Technical Report, which is designed to assist the Department of Energy in developing their response to the Recommendation. Some Technical Reports are sent as standalone letters and serve to guide DOE in implementing a solution to an addressed safety issue that may or may not originate from a Recommendation.

Staff Issue Reports

Some letters sent by the Board to the Department of Energy include a Staff Issue Report, which is a report addressing a safety issue either at a specific Defense Nuclear Facility (DNF) or across all facilities. They are usually authored by a group of the Board's Technical Staff, but have been known to include collaboration from outside experts as well as Board Members. These reports are usually written on nuclear safety topics based on safety reviews conducted at Defense Nuclear Facilities.

Reports to Congress

Annual, Quarterly and Special Reports to Congress can be found here, in addition to Performance and Accountability Reports and Buy American Act Reports. These reports also show up in Letters and Correspondence.