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May 4, 2011 202-225-4306


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Alan Nunnelee is joining with House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (R-IL), Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA) to announce the creation of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT).

HEAT will consist of a committed group of House members to promote Republican energy policies that will address rising energy prices, create thousands of good jobs and enhance our national security by promoting energy independence for America.  HEAT will clearly demonstrate that House Republicans are on the side of the small businesses and families who are increasingly harmed by record high energy prices.  

“The cost of gas is at the forefront of every conversation I have with my constituents back at home.  $4 a gallon gasoline is causing much concern for families and small businesses throughout North Mississippi.  As long as we rely on foreign oil, we will continue to face higher energy costs,” Nunnelee said. “America needs a new challenge, and that is to be energy independent by the end of this decade.  I am proud to join HEAT as we work to advance this mission by promoting the House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative. Our energy solutions will put an end to the Obama Administration’s policies that are causing pain at the pump and costing us good American jobs.”

“Traveling around my district during the district work period, my constituents overwhelmingly wanted to talk about the steadily increasing price of gas that is placing great strain on their families and small businesses,” Whip McCarthy said. “The restrictive policies of this Administration are bringing unnecessary pain at the pump and they are costing our nation jobs. The HEAT initiative will further highlight Republican energy proposals to expand domestic energy production. These proposals will help create American jobs, grow our economy, and enhance our security through greater energy independence.”

"My constituents in Chicagoland are vitally concerned about continually rising gas prices and the Administration’s refusal to accept commonsense energy solutions,” Chief Deputy Whip Roskam said. “With our economy still struggling, now more than ever, we need an all-of-the-above energy approach that removes barriers to job creation and relieves the burden on consumers and small businesses. HEAT will be an important tool for House Republicans to advance our commonsense energy solutions."

"House Republicans are hard at work through the American Energy Initiative crafting the common-sense solutions we need to create a more secure energy future. Today's high gas prices are squeezing family budgets and making it hard for our economy to bounce back. As we work to cut the red tape that is blocking energy production and finally harness our available resources with an all-of-the–above energy strategy, I'm pleased to have this team of talented members volunteer to take our message of job creation and energy security to the American people," said Chairman Upton.

“With the price of gasoline increasing daily, and the prospect of $5 gasoline looming ahead, it is time for Congress to put an end to the Obama Administration’s anti-energy, job-destroying policies that are inflicting further economic pain,” Chairman Hastings said. “House Republicans are taking action this week to reverse these Obama Administration policies and pass legislation to expand American energy production, create new American jobs and lower energy prices.  HEAT is an important initiative to promote Republican energy policies that will grow our economy and strengthen our national security by decreasing our dependence on unstable foreign energy supplies.”
