U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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SOTU Analysis: The next generation of manufacturing jobs

In this series of blog posts, Senator Coons’ legislative staff shares their analysis of the President’s State of the Union address with Delawareans.

State of the Union

In last night’s State of the Union address, President Obama said that while “our economy is adding jobs…too many people still can’t find full-time employment.” 

Senator Coons agrees, which is why he has been working closely with Delaware businesses to find innovative ways to help them grow and create jobs, even in a tough economy. Along with the other members of the Delaware Congressional delegation, he hosted nine job fairs in two years, connecting employers ready to hire with 10,000 Delaware job seekers

Chris believes more must be done to support and sustain American innovators—especially in the manufacturing sector.  If we want to stay competitive in a global economy, we have to invest in job training programs and policies that create cutting-edge, high-quality jobs.

In his address, President Obama noted that our manufacturing sector has added about 500,000 jobs over the past three years and announced three new “manufacturing hubs,” while challenging Congress to create a network of fifteen of these hubs to “guarantee that the next revolution in manufacturing is Made in America.”

Chris has worked hard on incentivizing the growth of America’s advanced manufacturing sector and has urged Congress to pursue policies support the growth of high-tech and clean energy manufacturing in America. 

He has met with Delaware manufacturers and turned their ideas into legislative action, building bipartisan support for new tax credits to support local manufacturers and ensure quality  products are “Made in America, Manufactured in Delaware.” 

For example, Chris introduced the Startup Innovation Credit, a bipartisan bill that would allow innovative startup companies to take advantage of the successful Research and Development Tax Credit.  He is also an original cosponsor of the Bring Jobs Home Act, which offers tax credits from companies that relocate their manufacturing operations from abroad back to the United States. 

State of the Union